#40. Spokane, Washington
Spokane may be a thriving urban city, but many drivers complain that its roads aren’t designed well enough for the high volume of traffic constantly passing through. The Street Maintenance Division also reports fixing thousands of potholes there every year, indicating poor driving conditions.

Surprisingly, winter isn’t Spokane’s deadliest driving season; it’s summer. The roads become more congested with holiday traffic, increasing the likelihood of fatal vehicular accidents. On top of congestion, Spokane’s drivers regularly make risky decisions, and multiple instances of road rage have been reported in 2024.
#39. Seattle, Washington
Washington is a popular state for Americans looking to relocate and tourists looking for somewhere to visit, but that popularity comes at a price. Seattle, in particular, is incredibly busy. According to Axios, drivers in Seattle lost an average of 58 hours to bad traffic in 2023.

This increased number of cars on Seattle roads has caused a decline in quality. Like other cities in Washington, Spokane, Seattle is also plagued by deep potholes, which damage cars. The city is also famously rainy, creating slick road surfaces and reducing driver visibility.
#38. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Milwaukee is a well-connected city, but its roads can be challenging for even experienced drivers. These circumstances are made worse because over 50% of the city’s roads are in poor condition, with deep potholes and uneven surfaces threatening drivers’ safety.

Reckless driving and road rage have also contributed to the number of car crashes and traffic casualties in Milwaukee. Speeding is a problem, as evidenced by records of speeding tickets and crash reports within the city. When combined with the deteriorated roads, driving in Milwaukee can be risky.
#37. Orlando, Florida
Thanks to its top tourist attractions, Orlando is one of the most popular cities in both Florida and the wider United States. As a result, traffic regularly becomes congested, especially during rush hour and near the Walt Disney World Resort.

Poor driving in Orlando is the primary cause for its high insurance rates. The mix of nervous tourists and frustrated locals often leads to aggressive driving incidents, though Orlando is not the worst city in Florida for road rage or poor vehicle handling.
#36. Honolulu, Hawaii
As the capital of Hawaii, Honolulu is one of the most beautiful cities in the US. Unfortunately, it also lists the worst American cities to drive in. It’s regularly congested due to a large traffic volume, making it difficult to get around.

Hawaiian drivers have been accused of being some of the worst in America for bad habits like turning without signaling and driving too fast. Parking is also an issue in Honolulu because it’s expensive and there isn’t enough, so many drivers find it a stressful city to navigate.
#35. Buffalo, New York
We always expect the cities of New York to be busy, which is precisely why Buffalo has made our list. Drivers are frequently caught committing traffic violations, including running red lights, failing to yield, tailgating, speeding, and improperly changing lanes.

Buffalo’s infrastructure is also to blame for its reputation as a bad city to drive in. One common complaint is a lack of well-painted road markings, which makes driving at night particularly risky. The city’s highways have also been criticized for their poor condition.
#34. Salt Lake City, Utah
Utah is regularly named as a state with plenty of bad drivers, mostly due to dangerous behavior on the road. Salt Lake City is one of the worst cities in Utah to drive in because many drivers disregard safety by driving too fast or distracting themselves.

Salt Lake City is also known for its shabby infrastructure, with almost two-thirds of roads in poor condition. Heavy traffic is common because it’s such a busy city prone to congestion. Potholes are also frequently being filled, though they quickly reappear.
#33. Cincinnati, Ohio
Cincinnati is a relatively easy city to navigate by car, but that doesn’t mean commuting is always safe. Bad traffic regularly inconveniences drivers and increases the risk of vehicular accidents. Drivers often become impatient and violate traffic laws.

Common complaints about drivers in Cincinnati include a lack of effective zipper merging, cars running red lights, distracted driving, and people refusing to allow others to overtake. The city’s urban center increases the likelihood of a collision for many regular commuters.
#32. New York City, New York
New York City is one of the most famous cities in the United States and one of the worst to drive in. Roads are incredibly busy, and drivers must also watch out for pedestrians. Collisions and other traffic accidents are common. Congestion is common in New York City, especially during rush hour.

Drivers are estimated to lose over 200 hours per year to bad traffic! As a result, they spend more money on gas and risk getting into accidents with impatient, reckless people behind them.
#31. Cleveland, Ohio
Like Cincinnati, Cleveland is another city in Ohio with a reputation for having poor drivers. Speeding is a big problem, as are reckless drivers committing illegal acts behind the wheel, like performing burnouts and doughnuts. Some drivers have even been caught driving the wrong way.

Cleveland has faced a significant issue with driving under the influence, as many of the city’s fatal car accidents can be linked to this. As if driving in Cleveland wasn’t already dangerous, approximately 40% of its major roads are in poor condition.
#30. Kansas City, Missouri
Kansas City ranks as one of the worst American cities to drive in because of its number of fatal vehicular accidents. Many deadly crashes are due to distracted drivers, though other causes include people driving under the influence and ignoring speed limits. The city also has many wide roads, with some stretching across four lanes.

However, these confuse drivers and cause stress, increasing the likelihood of dangerous driving. Luckily, Kansas City is moving to slim down these roads and make conditions safer for drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians.
#29. Las Vegas, Nevada
Las Vegas is one of the most visited cities in the US, so, naturally, it’s not the easiest to navigate via car. Major congestion occurs during rush hour, and many drivers take risks by cutting down their commuting time, leading to more accidents.

Drivers in Las Vegas are 21% more likely to be involved in a collision than the national average, and they also experience accidents more often than drivers in other American cities. Vegas is alive 24/7, so choosing the ‘best’ time to drive in it is impossible.
#28. Macon, Georgia
Macon is a culturally rich and charming city but stands out for its dangerous roads. Since 2017, the number of vehicular accidents has spiked, making Macon one of the highest for traffic-related deaths. Speeding has also increased.

Many residents also complain that the roads in Macon lack quality and aren’t maintained as often as they should be to ensure safety. The city’s Interstate I-75 is infamous for being busy, complex, and difficult, making it even more challenging to navigate Macon.
#27. San Bernardino, California
San Bernardino is a great city for many reasons, but it has been identified as one of the worst to drive in. Many of its fatal traffic accidents are related to speeding or driving under the influence, both on interstate and residential roads.

The poor state of many road surfaces in San Bernardino also threatens cars. This year, the city approved almost $9 million to repair the worst roads and make them safer to navigate. However, further attention is required to tackle reckless driving similarly.
#26. Buffalo, Wyoming
Buffalo, Wyoming, is the second city with that name on our list, though it ranks much higher. That’s because both its roads and drivers pose a threat to the general public. There is a high number of alcohol-related incidents, as well as careless driving behaviors.

Wyoming also has the same maximum speed limits on rural and urban highways, which is strange and causes confusion. Buffalo’s drivers typically get into accidents due to distracted driving, tailgating, or refusing to yield to other cars. With more cars on the road, incidents are more likely.
#25. San Jose, California
San Jose is an attractive city worth exploring, but its roads often make that difficult. The city is notorious for having some of the most dangerous intersections in the US, with many located on major roads like the Capitol Expressway, where accidents frequently occur.

Due to its high concentration of businesses, San Jose also experiences a large volume of traffic. This increases the likelihood of accidents, especially when drivers take unnecessary risks, like changing lanes erratically, speeding, and following other cars too closely.
#24. Tampa, Florida
Several of Florida’s cities are notorious for having dangerous driving cultures, and Tampa is one of the worst. The city has approximately 14.47 fatal car accidents for every 100,000 residents and the highest level of collisions between drivers and cyclists.

Traffic build-up is commonplace in Tampa, with many drivers acting irrationally or unpredictably. An average of 34 deadly crashes happen each year on Interstate 4, which runs through Tampa. Drivers are often distracted or going too fast.
#23. Columbus, Ohio
As Ohio’s capital city, Columbus is no stranger to heavy traffic. It’s also no stranger to dangerous driving, with approximately 6.6 fatalities per 100,000 people. An estimated 13% of Columbus drivers are believed to be uninsured, which makes the aftermath of a crash even harder.

Ten of Ohio’s deadliest roads are in Columbus, including a portion of Interstate 71 where fatal crashes are common. The city is cracking down on reckless driving, but it’s still one of the worst places to drive in the US, with the risks outweighing everything else.
#22. Memphis, Tennessee
Some accuse Memphis of having some of the worst drivers in America, but the biggest problem is its dangerous roads, particularly the intersections. These intersections are responsible for hundreds of crashes yearly, particularly the six-way Lamar, Pendleton, and Kimball intersection.

Memphis has almost double the national average for car accidents. It’s one of the most hazardous cities for both pedestrians and drivers because many of the roads are poorly designed, and reckless drivers are not controlled by traffic enforcement.
#21. Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles is one of the most famous cities in the US, so it’s perhaps surprising to see it not ranked higher on our list. One of the biggest problems plaguing LA roads is the sheer number of people driving, many of whom are nervous tourists.

As a result, driving becomes aggressively competitive, with many motorists tailgating, passing dangerously, hopping lights, and blocking other cars from entering lanes. Since 2021, LA has also experienced a spike in drunk driving incidents. The city’s stout vehicle culture doesn’t look to be changing.
#20. Cranston, Rhode Island
Cranston is the second-largest city in Rhode Island and also one of the most stressful to drive in. Residents have complained about the city’s bad traffic and parking situations and drivers running red lights, tailgating, and exceeding speed limits.

The roads themselves are also a problem in Cranston. Rhode Island is proposing the Cranston Canyon Project to expand the city’s roads, yet its current ones are in disrepair. Potholes are particularly bad, and many bridges are also in bad condition.
#19. Virginia Beach, Virginia
Virginia Beach is a gorgeous coastal city with plenty to offer. Unfortunately, this includes a driving culture that often becomes dangerous. It ranks quite poorly in general road safety, with high levels of speeding and people driving while under the influence. The two main roads are prone to heavy traffic, particularly during the holiday season.

Many accidents occur on the portion of Interstate 264 that runs through Virginia Beach. Parking is expensive within the city, and many visitors struggle to drive alongside locals.
#18. Fort Worth, Texas
Fort Worth is a busy metropolitan area, but even the most experienced local drivers need to stay vigilant behind the wheel. Studies have labeled Fort Worth motorists as some of the worst offenders for impaired and impulsive driving.

Residents have also petitioned for safer roads, particularly in neighborhood areas where dangerous drivers have put children and the elderly at risk. More stop lights, crosswalks, and stop signs are needed to decrease deadly car crashes in Fort Worth.
#17. Baltimore, Maryland
Baltimore is another American city with a high number of fatal car accidents. This is partly due to frequent problems with congested roads and rush hour traffic, but also drivers taking unnecessary risks, like running red lights or texting while driving. Like most of Maryland, the city has high auto insurance premiums because of its high number of car thefts.

Baltimore drivers are also more likely to submit insurance claims than drivers in cities with better-driving reputations. Many of the city’s roads also desperately require repairs.
#16. Nashville, Tennessee
Nashville has some of the worst traffic in the US, corresponding to its high number of traffic fatalities. Rush hour is one of the worst driving times, but the metro area is constantly busy throughout the day.

Currently, the number of deadly car accidents per 100,000 people in Nashville is 12.73, with 3.69 of those involving a drunk driver. Many motorists also fall victim to poor planning behind the wheel, causing them to merge dangerously, cut people off, and speed.
#15. Jacksonville, Florida
Jacksonville is a highly motorized city that requires drivers to drive defensively by default. This is because its number of driving deaths exceeds the national average by 68%, with many of those fatal accidents attributable to drunk or distracted driving.

Drivers and cyclists alike must remain on high alert in Jacksonville, as other motorists often commit traffic violations. Tailgating and switching lanes erratically are big issues. Gridlocks and bottlenecks often occur when the roads overflow with more traffic than can reasonably flow through.
#14. New Orleans, Louisiana
New Orleans is a lively city with plenty of pull for locals and tourists alike. However, its driving situation isn’t as positive, with thousands of collisions every year causing injuries, property damage, and death. Competitive driving marks a distinct lack of road safety.

The city also has some hazardous road conditions, with many residents complaining about potholes and treacherous street flooding when it rains heavily. This makes driving in Louisiana challenging before encountering other drivers who may readily disregard road rules.
#13. Phoenix, Arizona
Phoenix is considered to have some of the worst drivers in America because of how impatient and reckless they can be. Reports have found that Phoenix ranks as the 11th US city for the highest number of deadly car accidents. Drivers in Phoenix are frequently accused of careless driving, like neglecting to use turn signals and running red lights.

Often, the cause is obliviousness, which is extremely dangerous considering the number of roads in the city requiring repairs to improve driving safety.
#12. Atlanta, Georgia
Atlanta frequently gets a bad reputation for being one of the worst cities to drive in, and it’s not entirely undeserved. There are a high number of deadly car accidents in Atlanta every year, with many caused by speeding, alcohol impairment, and road rage.

The city is also known for its bad traffic, which results from its large urban sprawl and the majority of people traveling to and from work simultaneously. Commuters in Atlanta lose over 70 hours per year to bottlenecks and gridlocked traffic.
#11. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Philadelphia has some amazing attributes, but its driving culture is considered one of the worst in America. Drivers reportedly lose 114 hours per year to congestion and have lengthy commutes. Many also drive aggressively, causing many traffic-related casualties each year.

In September 2024, the Philadelphia Police Department responded to multiple instances of dangerous driving and illegal street racing, with up to 200 cars putting residents at risk. Citations issued to reckless motorists have increased, but hazardous drivers still threaten public safety.
#10. Tucson, Arizona
Like Phoenix, Tucson also has a reputation for being one of the worst cities to drive in Arizona, but it’s even deadlier. Experts have criticized Tucson’s infrastructure, emphasizing how its multi-lane streets and sparse pedestrian crossings put those on foot at risk.

Many speed limits are high, and dangerous drivers often take advantage of them, leading to road rage incidents. Tucson has a high number of deadly collisions caused by drunk or distracted drivers. The penalties for texting while driving are low, and there is a need for greater traffic enforcement.
#9. Chicago, Illinois
Chicago has earned its place on our list for being one of the most difficult cities to navigate by car. It’s a large city with a confusing street grid system and heavy traffic. As a result, road accidents are common. Chicago has the highest number of distracted driving deaths.

People have reported seeing drivers skip lights, jump curbs, and ignore stop signs. The City of Chicago has estimated that nearly 90% of traffic casualties involve reckless behavior, highlighting Chicago’s dangerous driving culture.
#8. San Francisco, California
San Francisco is another city that people love to visit, but most don’t have the same enthusiasm for its roads. Congestion is unavoidable, commute times are long, and the constant heavy traffic has worn away at road surfaces. Parking is also expensive.

Those who don’t know the city well may struggle to navigate San Francisco by car, especially when faced with other drivers making dangerous decisions. Both motor collisions and pedestrian casualties are high, and despite the city’s best efforts, the situation isn’t yet improving.
#7. Miami, Florida
Florida has a reputation for having some of the worst cities to drive in, but Miami is perhaps the city most deserving of it. It’s a major city, so congestion is to be expected, but commuting, especially at rush hour, takes longer than most other cities in the US.

Miami’s drivers have a reputation for dangerous driving, including rolling through red lights, colliding with cyclists and pedestrians, and neglecting to use turn signals. This makes driving in the city tense and frustrating, and many people turn to road rage.
#6. Houston, Texas
Houston is world famous for many excellent reasons; however, it isn’t known for being a good city to drive in. It’s one of the deadliest major metro areas, with drivers regularly taking risks to bypass heavy traffic.

Many of the city’s roads have high-speed limits to keep traffic flowing, encouraging recklessness. Houston’s urbanization also makes it impossible for cyclists and pedestrians to avoid traffic, and many roads are poorly designed and dangerously confusing.
#5. Boston, Massachusetts
On average, drivers get into car accidents every 10 years. In Boston, it’s every 3.9, thanks to drivers making rash decisions on the road or distracting themselves while driving. As a result, Boston is one of the worst cities in America to drive in. As well as the dangerous driving habits of some residents, Boston’s roads are also not as well-maintained as a busy capital city’s should be.

People regularly complain about potholes, which increase the likelihood of a crash. Driving in Boston is a recipe for disaster when coupled with its heavy traffic.
#4. Detroit, Michigan
Detroit is one US city that has, sadly, proven time and time again to be lethal for many of its residents. For every 100,000 people, there are 19.76 fatal vehicular accidents. Many of these involve intoxicated drivers or people acting recklessly. The city also has a shockingly high estimated number of uninsured drivers: four times higher than the national average.

Car ownership costs are relatively high, as are gas prices and insurance rates. And for those who drive safely, there’s still the problem of regular congestion.
#3. Odessa, Texas
Odessa is third on our list for one very unfortunate reason: it’s the city with the highest rate of drunk driving accidents in the country. For every 100,000 people, there are 27.46 fatal crashes. This also puts pedestrians and cyclists at risk.

Even when sober, drivers in Odessa are frequently identified as driving erratically, ignoring traffic laws, speeding, cutting people off, and neglecting to use turn signals. With the roads so tense, more and more drivers are becoming aggressive behind the wheel and putting themselves at risk.
#2. Albuquerque, New Mexico
New Mexico hasn’t yet made our list, so seeing one of its cities in second place might be a surprise. However, Albuquerque is notorious for being a dangerous city to drive in. This is because they have bad drivers who regularly disregard traffic rules. The chance of having a fatal collision in Albuquerque is very high compared to almost every other American city.

Non-fatal accidents are even more commonplace, causing severe injuries and property damage. The city’s drivers have been branded reckless, impatient, and aggressive.
#1. Oakland, California
California is one of the states most associated with bad driving. However, it’s still surprising that Oakland tops the list of worst drivers. This is especially true compared to busier Californian cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco. This is because it ranks so highly for fatal vehicular accidents.

According to the City of Oakland, these severe car crashes are caused by drivers speeding, running red lights, neglecting to yield, and driving under the influence. Oakland’s roads are also notoriously bad, which exacerbates the risks for good and dangerous drivers alike.
America has some of the busiest cities in the world, with over 200 million drivers on the road. However, busier roads are more prone to accidents. In fact, the US has more motor-vehicle-related fatalities than any other developed country, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. To determine which cities deserve the most poor driving reputations, we’ve compared some of the worst American cities to drive in.