The Mola Mola Fish
The mola mola fish is one of the largest bony fish in the world. It’s also called the Ocean Sunfish, which many megalophobes may consider too kind a name for a fish of that size. Adults generally weigh between 540 to 2,200 pounds.

However, the heaviest one recorded weighed a whopping 6,0489 pounds, which is more than the full starting lineup of an American football team. Megalophobes everywhere will be glad to know that the mola mola prefers feeding on jellyfish, small fish, eelgrass, and crustaceans.
Not Your Ordinary Wind
When looking at this picture, it’s very easy to miss the wind turbines on the right-hand side. Do you see them now? Now, look at the tornado on the left. In comparison, the wind turbines look like playthings.

With an average wind turbine being about 280 ft (80 meters), it’s scary to think about the actual height of that tornado. Indeed, Mother Nature is a force to be reckoned with. One thing’s certain, though: whoever took this picture can teach us a thing or two about being brave.
Dwarfed by a Tree
Humans can create huge objects and structures, but can we outdo Mother Nature? Apparently, not. This gigantic tree was found on a beach in La Push, a small community in Washington State.

The tree probably fell off a cliff and was carried by the water. Now, that’s what you call driftwood. The washed-up tree is over 200 ft long and 13 ft around the trunk. This tree was one of the dozens of trees washed up on the beach.
Not a Dementor
Potterheads everywhere are familiar with what dementors look like and what dreadful creatures they are. This massive thing floating in the sky certainly looks like a dementor. Looking more closely, one can see that it’s a kite shaped like a squid.

Megalophobe or not, anyone would be scared if they saw this thing floating above their house. Pictures like this help us better understand why some people have megalophobia.
Tip of the Iceberg
Imagine waking up one morning and seeing a massive iceberg behind your house. A bit scary, right? This is a photo of an enormous iceberg captured as it floated past a Greenland house.

You don’t comprehend how massive the iceberg truly is until you look at the house in front of it. It really puts the size into perspective. When we think about the rest of the iceberg that’s underwater, we realize that it’s perfectly normal to be scared by this view.
Putting Things in Perspective
If you’re scientifically-inclined, your first thought may be that this is a picture of something being viewed under the microscope. However, it’s not. This is an image of the sun, and Mercury is that tiny black dot in front of it.

That gives you chills, doesn’t it? Mercury has a radius of 1,516 miles (2,439 km). That it’s only a black dot in front of the sun shows how big the sun is.
Like the Empire State Building
When you’re on a supercarrier, it’s easy to forget how big it is. And this photo is proof of that. It’s even scarier when you remember that a good portion of the ship is underwater.

The ship in this photo measures about 1092 ft (333 meters), making it nearly as long as the Empire State Building is tall. It weighs approximately 97,000 tons and can carry more than 80 aircrafts.
Ziplining? Maybe Another Day!
Godzilla is one of the more popular film franchises based on a giant monster spawned from the waste of nuclear tests. There are millions of Godzilla fans worldwide, and in Japan, there’s a theme park with several attractions, including a life-sized Godzilla head replica.

In the park, they provide an exciting ziplining experience that involves ziplining into Godzilla’s cave-like mouth. We believe we’re on the same page with megalophobes everywhere when we say we’ll have to pass on that one.
Art in Venice
There are many ways to increase awareness, and Lorenzo Quinn sure chose one of the creepiest ways to do so. The hands were made to serve as a reminder of the rising sea levels that threaten Venice and other coastal cities worldwide.

Luckily, the art fixture in Venice was temporary. We can only imagine how megalophobes in the city would have felt looking at it.
Too Big to Take Home
Whales are the biggest animals on Earth. Sometimes, it may be hard to wrap our heads around just how big they are. This picture sure helps us to understand how massive these sea creatures are.

This is a picture of the spinal column of a whale. That dog may be trying to take a bone home, but we’re sure the poor thing will realize that it’s a futile endeavor.
Mount Fuji, Japan
This photo may look photoshopped, but we assure you that it’s not. This is a picture of Mount Fuji with the city, Fujinomiya at its base. Mount Fuji is located in Japan, and, standing at 12,388 ft (776 meters), it’s the tallest peak in Japan.

Mount Fuji is the result of volcanic activity that began approximately 100,000 years ago. There are a few towns and villages near the mountain, and we can imagine the residents of these places being in a constant state of awe. We’re awed too, but we’re not sure we’d like to live so close.
Huge, Enormous Anchors
There are some enormous ships out there, and as you’ve guessed, ships of that magnitude need equipment of a correlating size. Do you want to see what we mean? Take a look at the anchor in this picture. Massive, right? At first glance, we totally overlooked the men in the picture.

You can’t blame us; they look so tiny. Those doll-like men are actually real-sized people standing on top of an anchor. These chains are important to anchor ships at sea and prevent them from drifting aimlessly. Although we know how important these chains are, it doesn’t make them any less terrifying.
The Mirny Mine
If you think this is just a huge hole in the ground, look again. This is the Mir mine, also called the Mirny mine, and it’s an open pit diamond mine located in Mirny, Russia. The mine is more than 1640 ft (500 meters) deep and has a diameter of about 3,940 ft (1,200 meters).

The town in the picture surrounds this vast pit, and we can only imagine what it feels like to live near such an enormous hole in the ground. It may be terrifying, but the diamonds may make it worth it.
The Great Redwood Trees
Those living near Muir Woods, once named Redwood Canyon, must be familiar with the enormous redwood trees there. The trees are about 250 ft, approximately the height of a six-foot person, stacked head to toe 40 times.

Further north, these redwood trees can grow as high as 379 ft, which is 74 ft taller than the Statue of Liberty. In this picture, the woman standing next to the redwood tree looks so minuscule. It’s a wonder how she still keeps her cool.
A Not-So-Scary Tornado
Here’s another picture of a tornado. However, unlike the previous one, this tornado is just one mile away. The pictured tornado was an EF1 on the Enhanced Fujita Scale. An EF1 tornado has wind speeds between 86 and 110 miles per hour.

The lady standing so close to such a tornado is braver than most. Only someone with a daredevil attitude would do that. And to think she looks so calm and poised, like it’s just another day out in the sun.
Giant in the Fog
Again, this picture isn’t photoshopped. It’s also not the poster of a horror film — it’s very real. As if the ship’s sheer size isn’t doing a good enough job of intimidating us, there’s a fog surrounding it, too. The fog makes the gigantic ship look even creepier.

Ships are great, but they can be terrifying, too. The largest ship ever made was called the Seawise Giant, and it had a length of 1,504 ft (458.45 meters), longer than the height of many of the world’s tallest buildings.
Ocean or Land Mass?
At first glance, this picture looks like something straight out of an end-of-the-world movie. It’d definitely fit perfectly into one of 2012’s scenes. Contrary to what you may think, what you see in the background isn’t a tsunami but a mountain.

This is a picture of Mount Kazbek (or Mount Kazbegi) on the Russian-Georgian border. Standing at about 16,520 ft (5,034 meters), Mount Kazbek is one of the highest peaks in Russia and the third highest in Georgia. We must admit that once we remove the fear the size of this mountain instills in us, the scenery looks beautiful.
The Bagger 288
This excavator is so much bigger than it appears. This is a picture of the Bagger 288, a bucket wheel excavator or mobile strip mining machine. Measuring around 721 ft (220 meters), the Bagger 288 weighs 13,500 tons and is dubbed the world’s largest and heaviest land vehicle.

This monstrous machine was designed over five years, and it took five years to assemble. It cost about $100 million to build it. Did you notice how tiny the people in front are? It’s easy to get chills just by looking at the entire picture.
A Large Arthropod
This is probably something straight out of the nightmare of a megalophobe. It’s a Japanese spider crab, and it’s known to have the largest known leg span of any arthropod. These spider crabs can grow up to 12 ft (3.7 meters) and weigh 44 pounds (19 kg).

Japanese spider crabs have been listed as an endangered species due to overfishing. They live in the waters around Japan and are fished and eaten in many places around the island nation. Although they look intimidating, these sea creatures are pretty much harmless.
The Moon and Saturn
Here’s another picture of a planet in our solar system. The big, conspicuous body in front is the moon, and Saturn is the small-looking planet behind it. Although Saturn is 20 times larger than the moon, the fact that it is 3,000 times further away from us than the moon makes it look so small.

This picture reminds us how insignificant we are compared to the rest of the universe. If we were placed right in front of Saturn, we’d definitely be hard to spot from a distance.
Choosing the Zoo
Can you see it? The school bus’s size pales in comparison to the size of both haul trucks, and it looks like a model bus next to them. Even the tires of the haul trucks are bigger than the school bus!

This is one of the reasons why we’d rather have a field trip to the zoo. We know a field trip to the mine can be just as fun, but seeing things like this will surely scare us.
A Volcanic Eruption
On March 27th, 1980, Mount St. Helens volcano erupted. The eruption was the most deadly and most economically destructive event in the recored history of the United States. Not only did it break several records, but it also greatly affected the world’s climate.

The eruption created an ash cloud over 80,000 ft (15 miles) high and caused the greatest landslide ever recorded. This picture may not do the event enough justice, but we’re still terrified and awed.
The Big Hands
If you ever go to Vietnam, check out the beautiful and fascinating Golden Bridge near Da Nang. The pedestrian bridge is 150 meters long, designed to connect the cable car station with the gardens and provide a scenic overlook.

The bridge was recently opened in 2018 and is supported by two gigantic hands. To put things in perspective, look at the building on the left. Indeed, the bridge is massive!
Worse than a Tornado
So far, we’ve seen a few pictures of tornadoes and found them terrifying. But tornadoes aren’t as terrifying as waterspouts. The waterspout in this picture is a tornadic waterspout, which are tornadoes that form over water or move from land to water.

This picture was taken in Clearwater, Florida, and we have nothing but respect for the photographer who took this picture. Waterspouts are quite common in Florida, but luckily, they don’t do much damage since people live far away from the shore.
Home Depot’s Skeleton
This giant skeleton was put up at Home Depot, and we have many questions. The most important question is — why? Why would they create this monstrosity? We’d seriously like to know their thought process.

It’d make fantastic Halloween decor, but there’s great decor that doesn’t have a scary size. We’re sure many people love the size of this skeleton and would be proud to have it in front of their homes.
Drifting in Space
Many of us have dreamt of space travel. The idea of just floating in space was an appealing one. But this picture makes it seem more like a nightmare. The thought of drifting all alone in the darkness and emptiness of space doesn’t seem as appealing anymore.

The person captured in this photo is a NASA astronaut, Bruce McCandless II. He’s the first person to complete an untethered spacewalk using the Manned Maneuvering Unit. The only thing keeping him alive in this picture is his spacesuit.
King Albert’s or Rapunzel’s?
It’s easy to mistake this tower for one in a Disney movie. In fact, it looks very much like Rapunzel’s tower, the one she lets down her hair from. However, this is a picture of King Albert’s tower in Somerset, England.

You get an idea of how truly gigantic this tower is when you look at the person standing at the bottom. The tower is about 160 ft (49 meters) tall and has existed since the early 1770s.
Weird Shape and Size
If you think this is photoshopped, we assure you that you’re not the only one. The clouds look so unreal and creepy. Unfortunately, the clouds are real. Terrifying, creepy, and real.

The clouds aren’t only scary because of their size but because of their shape, too. This kind of cloud was only classified as a new kind of cloud in 2017. So, if you’re sailing and you see clouds like these, fret not. You’re perfectly safe.
Not an Ordinary Kangaroo
Kangaroos are generally viewed as cute, hopping animals. The fact that they have pouches where their young ones are kept and allowed to grow makes them seem even cuter. But not all kangaroos are cute and friendly.

This is a picture of a gigantic kangaroo that’s 6.5 ft tall (two meters). We find its height scary enough, but the fact that this enormous animal was stalking this town is beyond horrifying. If we lived in this place, we wouldn’t think twice about leaving and finding a new haven.
The Beauty of Art
The Orlando Power Station in Soweto, Johannesburg, was constructed in 1935. The power station was operational until 1998, and in 2008, it was transformed into an entertainment and business center. The neglected cooling towers have become a popular tourist spot for adrenaline enthusiasts.

We’d pass on the bungee jumping, pendulum swimming, and the other extreme sports available there. However, we can appreciate how beautiful the artworks on the cooling towers are.
The Empire State Building
Built from 1930-1931, the Empire State Building is one of the most famous symbols of New York City and the US at large. The name of the building is derived from “Empire State,” the nickname of the city of New York.

This photo was taken from New Jersey, and the building seems so much creepier and more daunting next to the tiny houses below it. Although the Empire State Building doesn’t make the list of the top five tallest buildings in the world, its size is still pretty scary.
The Dragon’s Eye
At first glance, this looks like the giant eye of a monstrous animal. However, It’s not. This is Lancanshire’s Dragon Eye stone mine in England. It’s not hard to see why this mine was named thus.

Local residents closely guard the Dragon’s Eye cave, and you can only access it through a window on the floor. Its location is only known to a few urban explorers, which sits well with us, as it further reduces our chances of visiting.
Reality or Illusion?
This picture is one of those that can instill a mixture of awe and terror. It’s a thing of nightmares for thalassophobes (people who have a phobia of deep bodies of water). This picture depicts the underwater waterfall in the island country of Mauritius.

It seems the water on the ocean’s surface is cascading into the depths, like a waterfall underneath the water. However, that’s just an optical illusion. In reality, the “waterfall” is only salt and silt deposits. The water isn’t as deep as it appears and is perfectly safe for swimming.
Keep the Props
Film studios usually keep the props they use when making a movie. Besides the props costing them a lot of time and money, they might need to use them again. However, the studio behind Redwood didn’t get the memo.

They left behind a statue prop after producing the horror movie Redwood in 2017. The statue was kept inside Emil Becker’s mausoleum in Maciejowa, Poland. If the size alone isn’t enough to give you nightmares, the face and body of this creature should do it.
Great Sand Dunes
Namibia has great, awe-inspiring locations. In Deadvlei, which is near the more famous Sossusvlei, there are some extraordinary dunes. The site where this picture was taken is popular among photographers, and we can see why.

It’s often said that Deadvlei has the tallest dunes in the world. The dunes here can reach up to 380 meters. The biggest sand dune in Deadvlei is called “Big Daddy,” and it’s about 1,149 ft (350 meters) high.
A Great Statue
Here’s a picture of a big statue. This one’s called the Sendai Daikannon, located in Sendai, Japan. The Sendai Daikannon is the tallest statue of a deity in Japan and the fifth-tallest statue in the entire world.

The statue is over 330 ft (100 meters) tall and was made to represent the gem-bearing Nyoirin Kannon, a Japanese rendition of the Buddhist bodhisattva associated with compassion. We know we’d be scared if we lived near this statue and had to see it daily.
Dwarfed by a Clock Tower
Big Ben used to be the biggest clock tower in the world. That spot is now occupied by the clock tower in this picture: the Makkah Royal Clock Tower. The Makkah Royal Clock Tower is located in Saudi Arabia, specifically in Abraj Al Bait, a seven-tower complex owned by the government of Saudi Arabia.

The clock tower is a truly massive one. We have no idea how anyone could look up at this impressive architecture and not be completely in awe.
Brutus the Crocodile
Meet Brutus, an 80-year-old giant crocodile from Australia. Owing to his uncommonly large size, Brutus has become a local celebrity loved by many. He’s a saltwater crocodile that is about 18 ft (5.5 meters) long.

This picture does put his size to scale. According to reports, he’s the fifth biggest croc ever recorded, weighing a ton. With big crocs like Brutus around, all we can say is to take extra care when going in the water.
Stranded in Newcastle
If you think two pictures were merged into one here, think again. This is just one picture; the top half is of a ship, and the bottom half shows a few buildings and greenery. Taking in the whole picture is bound to send chills down your spine.

The ship in the upper half of the picture is the MV Anthea, formerly known as the Pasha Bulker. The picture was taken when the bulk carrier was stranded off Nobby Beach in Newcastle. The people present on the beach that day would have been terrified. We know we would have been.
More Than the Tip
When we showed you the enormous size of an iceberg, we mentioned how much bigger it may be when we consider the submerged part of the iceberg. This picture shows us the submerged portion of this iceberg.

The water’s so clear that we can look through it and see the true size of the iceberg. The water’s transparency allowed the photographer to take a picture to see almost the bottom of the iceberg. It looks like it goes on for miles.
The Glory Hole
This spillway is located in Monticello Dam, California, and can adequately be described as magnificent but terrifying. It’s technically known as the “Morning Glory Spillway,” although it’s usually called “The Glory Hole.”

Spillways are used to pass floodwater safely when a reservoir is full. This spillway swallows water at 48,000 cubic ft per second, emptying through an enormous concrete pipe. Can you imagine how terrifying it would be to be balanced on that spillway’s edge? We’d also rather not imagine.
The Hills of Lochaber
Scotland is one of those countries known for its beautiful scenery. However, megalophobes may argue that this scenery is more scary than beautiful. This part of Scotland is known as Lochaber, located west of the Scottish Highlands.

This place is located just under Lochness, home to the Loch Ness Monster herself. Thankfully, the Loch Ness monster is missing in this picture. The hills in this picture seem almost surreal, and we can only imagine what it would feel like to live nearby.
Not Your Average Salt Mine
There’s a salt mine located in Slănic, Prahova County, Romania. It was opened in 1686. Although it’s now closed for extraction purposes, it’s open to visitors. The salt mine is buried more than 656 ft (200 meters) underground, and the ceiling measures approximately 180 ft (55 meters).

The mine features a microclimate with natural air conditioning and constant temperature and atmospheric pressure. The mine may not look big until you spot the people in the left corner. They look like ants. The sheer size of this mine just blows us away!
A Bigger, Larger Brother
If the Statue of Liberty was a child with a bigger elder brother, it would be this statue. Called the “Statue of Unity,” this statue is the world’s largest statue, and it’s located near Kevadia in the state of Gujarat, India.

The statue is approximately 600 feet (182 meters) tall and was built in 2018. It was built in honor of an Indian statesman and independence activist. With a statue this size, it’s safe to say no one will be forgetting this guy any time soon.
The Floodwater Cathedral
We bet any cathedral you’ve ever been to wasn’t close to being as big as this one. This is a picture of the Floodwater Cathedral in the city of Tokyo. The building is hidden 72 ft (22 meters) underground and is designed to protect Tokyo from floods.

In the rainy season, the waterways and rivers often overflow, and the flood tunnels provide a great defense against that. Although this structure isn’t an actual cathedral, it looks like one. This cavern’s size can be seen when you look at the people inside it.
Phobias are very common. Different objects, animals, or situations cause people to feel scared. From having a phobia of spiders and darkness to being terrified of being in tight spaces, these fears may be irrational but are real nonetheless. There are hundreds of recognized phobias, and megalophobia is one of them. This fear can extend to anything that’s naturally or unnaturally big. It may include statues, waterfalls, and aquatic animals. Here are some pictures that may make megalophobes pretty scared.