She Turns Me Against Her Boyfriend
This guy feels as though the only time his friend (who happens to be a girl) ever wants to spend time with him is to complain about her boyfriend. She doesn’t hold back in sharing every detail about their arguments and why she’s upset with him.

It only makes sense that his opinion of the boyfriend would be affected if he only hears bad things. For this reason, it’s kind of unfair for the friend to then give him an ear-full over his ill relationship with her significant other. What did she expect?
She Ignores My Relationship Advice
When we’re under the influence of infatuation, it can sometimes be difficult to see red flags that are otherwise obvious to those closest to us. However, this guy always has his friend’s back and makes sure to tell her when he doesn’t think a love interest is good enough for her.

However, she always thinks that she knows better. Then, when things inevitably go south in their relationship, the friend always has to be there to comfort and make her feel better. Next time, she should take his advice. Friends can often see what we are too close to see.
(Not So) Subtle Manipulation
In some platonic relationships, people often alter the boundaries of the relationship according to what suits them. For example, some girls will act flirty and innocent towards their male friends when they ask for a favor.

However, if the guy were to act the same way towards her, he would be taking it a step too far. The girl would see it as though he was ‘making a move’ on her, which is deemed unacceptable. Ladies, when you want something, just ask straight out.
They Gossip About Their Other Friends
Not everybody likes to gossip. Women generally gossip more than men. This guy can’t stand it when his female friend constantly talks badly or complains about her other friends.

In his mind, if she’s talking badly about her other friends, what is stopping her from talking badly about him behind his back? People want to feel safe in their friendships. This is not the way to do it.
She Uses Me to Make Her Boyfriend Jealous
The only thing worse than being used by somebody is being used by somebody you call a friend. In this instance, this guy’s lady friend has the bad habit of uploading photos of them together to social media in order to make her boyfriend jealous.

To make it worse, she always adds flirtatious or suggestive captions, which leaves him feeling uncomfortable. This is the reason many men feel like they can’t be friends with women.
Messy Is Messy, Right?
There’s a common public stereotype that men are messy. This guy’s friend always alludes to this stereotype by calling him disorganized and messy whenever she visits his house. However, whenever he sees her messy apartment, she claims that it’s strategic.

In other words, she’s implying that she can’t be messy because she is a girl… Even though her apartment is much more disorganized than his. In our opinion, mess is mess, no matter whose it is.
The Conversations Are Always About Her
A proper friendship is one in which both members feel equal and appreciated. However, if you’re constantly talking about one person in particular and their problems, it might mean that they don’t value you as much as they should.

This guy feels as though the conversations he has with his female friend are always about her, her relationship problems, her work troubles, etc. What’s worse, every time he tries to talk about himself, she changes the subject.
She is Always Man-Bashing
We all know that there are a ton of inaccurate gender stereotypes out there. Every time this friend has a disagreement with her boyfriend, she complains about men to one of her male friends. We don’t quite understand how she doesn’t see the problem here…

He gets so frustrated with her constant man-bashing that he doesn’t even know if he wants to be friends anymore. After all, if she hates men so much, why would she want a male friend?
She Ignores My Male Insight
Men have extremely valuable advice to offer women when it comes to relationships. Believe it or not, men know men better than women do… Even if women don’t think this is the case.

However, it’s incredibly frustrating for this man, as his female friend simply never listens to what he has to say or takes his advice. It’s as though she thinks that she knows better, even though she always has relationship issues.
It Will Develop Into Something More
People often claim that platonic relationships are not possible, as the man will eventually want more. Why is it always the man, though? This guy feels as though his actions and comments are constantly being scrutinized by his female friend.

He’s not interested in her romantically, but sometimes, it feels as though she assumes that he is simply because he is a man. Not every male-female friendship will lead to a relationship. In fact, more often than not, they don’t.
If I’m Honest, I’m the Bad Guy
Sometimes, the truth is hard to hear. What’s even more frustrating is when somebody asks for advice or your opinion and you give it to them (even though it might not be what they want to hear), only for them to make you feel like the bad guy.

This guy always tried to be honest with his friends. However, when he’s honest with his girl friend, she always seems to take it the wrong way and makes him feel like a bad person.
She Compares My Child to Her Dog
This one is extremely frustrating, even for us. Parents would know that there’s no tougher job in the world than taking care of a newborn baby. Unfortunately, this guy’s ‘friend’ had the nerve to compare his child to her new puppy.

In his words, she always finds a way to make the topic of conversation about her. When he was discussing how little sleep he was getting after his child was born, she claimed to have the exact same problem with her eight-week-old puppy.
Doesn’t Listen, But Then Moans to Me
One of the most common problems that men encounter in platonic, opposite-gender friendships is the fact that women just don’t seem to value their advice.

In this case, though, the friend actually did the opposite of what he advised. What’s worse, when her actions backfired, she had the nerve to ask him for even more advice!
There’s Too Much Take, Take, Take
There’s a massive difference between being friends and being romantic partners. This guy sometimes feels as though his female friend wants all the benefits that come with dating but doesn’t want to offer him anything in return.

For example, he has to listen to her complain about all of her problems, but she very rarely asks about him. Romantic relationships are generally about give and take, but this friendship seems more about giving.
She’s a Karma Chameleon… She Comes and Goes
We all have a friend who becomes so obsessed with their romantic partner that they can’t seem to do anything without them. In this case, his female friend simply disappears every time she enters a new relationship.

He can go for weeks or sometimes even months without seeing or hearing from her. However, when they break up, she suddenly reappears and wants to start hanging out again. Either be in it all the time or don’t be in it at all, we would say!
She Assumes That I’ll Clean Up Her Mess…
Have you ever gone out for a night on the town with a friend and ended up embarrassed by their behavior? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. This guy always has to clean up the mess left behind by his female friend.

His friend always tends to drink a little bit too much when they go out together. Then, she gets aggressive and argumentative… Expecting that her guy friend will defend and protect her when she stirs the pot. That’s unfair!
Jealously Makes You Ugly
This guy had no problem whatsoever when his female friend plainly stated that they were only platonic and would never become romantically involved. However, he did have an issue when she started sending him jealous texts after he got a girlfriend.

It’s obvious that she doesn’t feel comfortable with him giving attention to another girl. However, because she was the one who friend-zoned him, it’s kind of unfair and contradictory for her to get jealous.
Your Problems aren’t My Problems
This guy had recently become friends with a girl in one of his university classes. However, not long after, he realized she was one of those people who only reached out when they had a problem to discuss.

In her case, she only contacted him when she was having relationship problems with her boyfriend. It’s almost as though she wants to make her boyfriend jealous or something… Whatever the case is, it’s not okay to only spend time with him when she’s having relationship issues.
Women Are More Mature Than Men
When this guy gets into an argument with one of his long-time female friends, he notices that she almost acts condescending towards him. It’s as though she takes the saying ‘the woman is always right’ a little bit too seriously.

Even when he knows that she’s wrong, she always ends up treating him like a child who complains about everything. It might be time for him to start looking for some new friends. No one is always right — male or female.
Stop Making Me Feel Bad for Being Me!
One of the worst things a girl can do is compare a guy to one of her exes. This is especially true if she’s comparing a platonic friend to a previous love interest.

In this friendship, every time he does something that she doesn’t like or approve of, she compares him to her ex. This seems like another classic case of manipulating boundaries to fit their agenda.
I’m NOT Your Ex-Boyfriends
This one is kind of similar to man-bashing, but not really. As a man, there’s nothing more annoying than being placed in a box through stereotypes. In this man’s case, he’s frequently told by his female friend that ‘all men are the same…’

Men are certainly not all the same, and it’s incredibly frustrating that this has even become a popular saying. Just because a man has hurt you doesn’t make all men the enemy.
She Always Fishes for Compliments
This man has a platonic friendship with a girl who’s really pretty. She knows that she’s pretty. In fact, she even had a few modeling gigs when she was younger. However, for some reason, she seems to always be fishing for compliments from him.

He finds it the most annoying when she brings up the things that she doesn’t like about herself before looking at him expectantly. He never knows what to say because he also doesn’t want it to appear like he’s flirting.
She’s Forever Friend-Zoning Me
When you’re in a same-gender friendship, you never feel any pressure to date. However, even if you’re in an opposite-gender platonic friendship, sometimes members can’t help but compare you to their love interests.

This guy’s female friend always says, ‘This is why I would never date you’ every time they get into an argument, or she doesn’t agree with something that he does. So, even though he isn’t interested in her that way, he still feels the pressure to impress her, or else he basically gets told that he’s undateable.
She’s a No Good Show-Off
We’ve already discussed how feeling used by a friend is probably one of the worst feelings in the world. This falls under that bracket, even though it might seem harmless to most people.

This guy notices that every time he goes out with his one female friend, she posts a picture of them together on her social media accounts. She only does this with her male friends, never her female friends…
Rude and Honest Aren’t the Same
For some reason, some women seem to believe that if they are friends with a man, they can speak without any filter. It’s okay to be honest, especially if asked for advice or their opinion, but the way you say things also matters.

This guy has learned not to ask his one female friend for either. She seems to think that because he is a man, his feelings won’t get hurt when she basically makes fun of him. She doesn’t sound like a very good friend to us…
Where’s the Drama Llama?
It’s a common gender stereotype that women are more prone to drama than men. While this obviously isn’t always the case, it definitely is in this relationship. It seems to him that his one female friend is always looking for ways to stir the pot.

In other words, she gets offended by the smallest, most insignificant things, which always turns into an argument. On top of this, she looks too far into a lot of situations, making something out of nothing.
Can a Leopard Change Its Spots?
We all know people who seem to change their personalities depending on who they associate with. In this guy’s case, his one female friend almost becomes a whole new person when she hangs around his guy friends.

It’s almost as if she wants to be seen as ‘one of the guys’, so she acts more masculine. On the other hand, when it’s just him and her, she is probably the most girly girl in the world. He understands that she just wants to fit in and be liked, but it is so obvious (to him, at least) that she isn’t being authentic in these situations.
She’s Overly Sensitive…
Another common gender stereotype is the fact that women are overly sensitive and emotional. This man claims that his one female friend takes offense to anything that could be even slightly misinterpreted.

He says it’s like walking on eggshells around her because he constantly has to watch what he says, even when discussing completely random topics. He would never purposely say anything to offend his friend, but she doesn’t seem to understand that.
Just Take the Compliment!
Compliments are supposed to be flattering and friendly. If someone offers you a compliment, the polite thing to do is always graciously accept it… Maybe even offer them a compliment in return.

There’s nothing more annoying than when you try to compliment somebody, and they insist that you’re lying. In this friendship, the woman then goes on to list the reasons why the compliment simply isn’t true. To us, it seems that she is simply fishing for even more compliments.
She Thinks I’m Her Personal Bank
When two people go on a date, it’s always expected that the man pays for all of the expenses. This obviously isn’t always fair, but that’s an argument for a different time. According to society, it’s the man’s responsibility to pamper and take care of his date.

However, if two people are going out as friends, expenses should be shared. It’s completely unfair for this woman to make him pay for everything just because he’s a man. After all, they aren’t dating, so why should she receive girlfriend benefits?
Just Decide Already!
Have you ever asked someone where they want to go for lunch, and they simply cannot give you a straight answer? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. However, in this case, he has to make all of the decisions in the friendship, as she can’t seem to ever make up her mind.

In fact, it seems as though she almost expects him to decide everything. For example, she once invited him to watch a movie with her, but she didn’t even know what was showing at the time. Let’s just say that they ended up watching Batman…
She Takes Forever to Get Ready
One stereotype most women can’t get away from is that they take a long time to get ready. It’s unfair to assume that all women take forever to get ready in the morning. However, in this case, it’s definitely the truth.

This guy once had to wait two hours for his female friend to decide on an outfit so that they could go out. What’s worse is that they had planned to meet at 6 PM and they only left at 8 PM! We hope for his sake that he didn’t make a reservation or anything…
She Always Tries to Change Me
It’s in our nature as human beings to try to fix things. However, other people cannot be ‘fixed’. In this friendship, his female friend constantly seems to be looking for ways in which to change him and his personality.

They are two very different people, and while they do have fun together as friends, he admits that she needs to learn to accept him for who he is. This is especially true considering that they aren’t even dating…
She Has a Condescending Attitude
Unfortunately, society often mistreats men. They are always expected to be strong, assertive, and dominant, even though many don’t always feel that way. In this case, every time this guy complains about something that bothers him, his female friend plays down the situation.

He can’t help but notice that she has a somewhat condescending attitude during his rants, which leaves him feeling worse than before. Again, we can’t help but think that he should try to find a new friend to discuss his problems with…
I’m Not a Mind-Reader, Lady
One of the most important parts of any relationship, including friendships, is communication. There is nothing more frustrating than arguing with someone when you don’t even know what they are upset about. Unfortunately for this guy, arguments with his one female friend always seem to be a guessing game.

Whenever he does something to upset her, she simply gives him the silent treatment. A lot of the time, he has no idea what the problem actually is, and he has to find out from her other friends. One thing is for sure: She definitely has to work on her communication skills.
What Goes for One Should Go for All
It’s not uncommon for people to alter situations according to what suits them best. In an opposite-gender platonic friendship (or any type of friendship, for that matter), it’s important that both members set boundaries. However, in this case, there seems to be double standards when it comes to these boundaries.

According to the man, his female friend has much more leeway in terms of how she can act around him. Sometimes, she will say something inappropriate for a platonic friendship, and it makes him feel uncomfortable. He knows that if the roles were reversed, she would take it the wrong way.
She’s Forever Oversharing
Some things just aren’t meant to be shared between friends. This is especially true if you are in an opposite-gender platonic friendship, as guys don’t always want to hear about private matters that don’t concern them. This goes back to the boundaries that should be set.

Oversharing won’t always make a friendship stronger. In fact, in this situation, this guy claims that his female friend’s habit of oversharing is one of the most problematic aspects of their relationship. There are some things that are better left unsaid, ladies!
She Flirts When We’re in Public
To some women (more so teenagers or young adults), having a lot of male friends is considered ‘cool.’ If you’re seen hanging around a lot of guys, it must mean that you’re popular and well-liked. It could also be seen as a sign that you have a lot of options romantically.

This guy notices that every time he goes out in public with his female friend, she automatically seems to act more flirtatiously with him. This leaves him feeling somewhat used, as she never acts the same way when it is just the two of them together. Sounds like this woman needs to work out what she wants.
She Asks Overly Personal Questions
Some women like to overshare, while others insist on asking overly personal questions. This man is sometimes left feeling uncomfortable when his female friend asks him extremely personal questions regarding details that he doesn’t believe should be shared amongst platonic friends.

However, when he tells her that he doesn’t want to talk about something, she gets offended and claims that if they were really friends, they would be able to talk about such things. There seems to be no winning in his case. Just because you’re friends doesn’t give you free access to their private life.
She Doesn’t Like Any of My Other Female Friends
If an opposite-gender relationship is platonic, both members should be able to date whomever they want. Doing this should not affect the other person at all. If this guy’s female friend really doesn’t like any of his other female friends or the girls that he dates, it’s obvious to us that she has some sort of feelings for him… Even if she doesn’t want to admit it.

He made it obvious that he only sees her as a friend, which she will just have to respect. If she were a good friend, she would learn to get along with the other women in his life for his sake.
Having a platonic relationship with a friend of the opposite gender can be quite complicated. To be more specific, it may lead to some frustrated feelings on both ends, as guys generally don’t always understand why women do the things that they do, and vice versa. In this article, we will be discussing some of the ways in which guys have claimed that their female friends annoy them. You may be able to predict what some of them may be, but we can guarantee that others may surprise you…