Time “Together”
There are some things that a lot of people look forward to throughout the day. The chance to spend a little quality time with the person they love is one of those things.

When this person heard their wife say that she wanted to spend time together when they got home, they seemed to be actually looking forward to a little quiet time together after being out all day. As it turned out, they remembered it as the beginning of the end.
Getting Direct
There are a lot of things that partners might say to each other in the heat of the moment. Some of them can be fixed with open communication and a genuine apology. This isn’t one of those phrases.

Telling your spouse that they’re a “dark cloud over your life” might really be hard to move past. As much as this person loved their wife, they realized that their relationship couldn’t last past this conversation, which came with some hard realizations.
All in the Silence
Sometimes, it isn’t what someone says that denotes such a change or shift in your relationship. Instead, what you don’t say can cause just as much trouble.

For these two, the breaking point came when a question was answered with absolutely nothing. When this person asked their spouse how they felt, they probably expected anything other than just deafening silence. Right then, they knew that it was time to move on.
You’re Kidding, Right?
When it comes to fixing up things around the house, it’s the responsibility of all the adults present, right? So, naturally, you could argue that this could have been a team effort.

Instead, this person was doing their best to fix something on their own, and rather than trying to help, their ex-husband decided to turn it into a weird power play. They describe that this wasn’t the only thing that was leading to them getting divorced but it definitely helped things along.
Calling in a Tip
It’s not always something your significant other says that leads to you getting divorced. Sometimes, it’s the things that you find out they’re doing that make you decide you’re getting divorced.

This person didn’t hear from their husband about something that they didn’t know — it was from their husband’s secret girlfriend. Turned out, after a little digging, the OP realized that this wasn’t the first woman that her husband had an affair with.
Wait a Second…
Modern technology is so good it’s almost scary. If you’re looking something up on Google, odds are you’ll start getting ads for it on any other app you use. Once in a while, a weird ad might slip through.

You could almost laugh it off when there’s one divorce ad. How did that get there, right? It’s not as easy to explain away when all your targeted ads are for divorce lawyers. We’re guessing this took precedence over whatever Facebook post she wanted to share.
Little Habits
There are little intimate gestures that couples do every day. You might not even think about most kisses that you share with your significant other.

On the other hand, there are definitely times when these intimate moments stand out rather than just fading into the tapestry of the relationship. This person really started to notice when those small kisses were followed by a new gesture that made them realize the dynamic was changing.
Results of an Ultimatum
If you’re going to bring up divorce in a fight, there can be some serious consequences. Threatening divorce in a marriage is a heavy thing.

The first time this person’s spouse brought it up, they made sure they knew that if they did it again, that was it. They weren’t going to have an ultimatum help over their head. Despite this, their spouse brought it up again and they followed through and divorced them as they said they would.
Broken Hearts
Cheating isn’t something that many people take lightly. If you’ve agreed to monogamy, it can really damage someone’s trust and hurt them to find out that you’ve gone outside the boundaries of the relationship.

This person was shocked to learn that it had happened in their marriage and in their family. Still, they were willing to try and work past it in their marriage. Later on, finding out the problem was never really solved was the final nail in the coffin and they ultimately got divorced.
Seeing Something You Don’t
Even when you get to the stage in your relationship when you’re ready to tie the knot, it’s important to keep an eye out for any concerning red flags.

If a few of your friends didn’t get along with your partner, you could write it off as a difference in personalities. It seems like this person’s friends were pretty unanimous in their opinion of this person, though. That was a bit of a red flag.
Over Time
There are some decisions that are still completely yours whether you’re in a relationship or not. After all, not everything needs to be a joint decision.

Then again, there are some things that you should probably consult your spouse on. Anything that affects the family as a whole is something you should talk about with your spouse. This person was left to decide between their marriage and their happiness.
Why Would You Say That?
There are a lot of things that you might say in the heat of a moment during a fight and regret later. For one, “I hate you” is a strong phrase that can really hurt someone.

It’s an even more hurtful phrase if it isn’t just said in a moment of anger. The way that this spouse delivered the line is close to one of the most jarring ways possible. Instead of a good night’s sleep, this person decided to get divorced.
A Little Help Here?
In some moments, all you need is a little help. This person seems like they had a really trying day and needed their partner’s support.

No matter what they needed, we have to wonder how you could possibly see your spouse in this state and just step over them. After all, you’re supposed to love them, right? A spouse that loves you certainly wouldn’t do something like this when you’re suffering.
Finding Reasons to Fight
No matter what type of relationship you have with someone, you’re bound to disagree from time to time. However, if you always disagree, you might wonder if you’re compatible.

That’s what started to happen between these two. It seemed like no matter what they said, this person’s wife never agreed with him. As a matter of fact, she would seemingly just change her opinion to start a fight.
A Shocking Thing to Hear
As we’ve covered again and again at this point, there are some things that you can say that you and your spouse can talk out and resolve.

Other admissions are hard to take back and there are some you can’t take back at all. Cheating was enough to put a strain on this marriage already but the concept of falling out of love here was what really tipped the scales.
Clear Signs
It’s something that you usually wouldn’t think need repeating but infidelity can really cause problems in a relationship. It’s the cause of many splits.

We can see how this incident built up over time to spell out the beginning of the end for this divorced couple. It’s tragic to hear that it started so early in their marriage too — the OP’s now ex-husband only stayed faithful for a month!
It Would What?
There are some things that cause marriages to shift and couples have to readjust. It seems like the change in job and hobbies impacted this couple’s dynamic.

Given that they felt like the couple was drifting apart, we can see why this person thought some quality time would do them some good. Their husband’s response was one that sealed the deal on their marriage and sounds absolutely devastating to hear.
Fundamental Differences
There are a lot of things that you can compromise on in a relationship and still make it work. All of your views don’t have to be identical!

On the other hand, there are some big life choices that you have to agree on. It can take a real toll on a relationship if you disagree on something, like whether or not you want kids. This person’s attitude about their partner’s opinion was enough of a red flag for these two to get divorced.
Horrid Treatment
Childbirth is a magical time when you get to see your baby for the first time. On the other hand, though, it’s not an easy thing to go through.

That’s one moment when your spouse will really need support. It’s not always a pretty process but the least you can do is pretend that you want to be there. It was a cruel set of words from their partner that marked the final straw.
How Could You?
A mastectomy is a major surgical procedure and it can take some time and effort to heal. This couple slept separately throughout this OP’s recovery.

On the contrary, it was after that that things started to fall apart. Well, it fell apart before that — but it was when their spouse said something that no one should ever say. How could anyone stay at that point?
Growing Apart
You never really stop growing as a person. Even well into adulthood, you’re bound to pick up new interests, learn new things, and meet people.

The sad thing is that the people who were with you, in the beginning, don’t always grow the same way as you. Sometimes, this isn’t a bad thing and you still remain part of their lives. For this couple, the gap had grown too much and they lost interest in closing it.
Absolutely Brutal Honesty
We’ve already covered the fact that there are some things that you just can’t say and expect someone to forget about and move on.

A night out can end badly in a lot of ways but this is one that we’re sure this person wasn’t expecting. Nothing spells out divorce like someone saying something like this to you after a while of marriage. We’re glad this person was able to leave shortly after their spouse was so cruel.
Pushed You?
A marriage is a big deal. It’s a big change and a major legal way to tie yourself to one another and so, it’s not something that couples should enter into lightly.

Even if this was just something said in the heat of the moment when tempers were flaring, this would be absolutely hurtful to hear. After all, the idea that your spouse didn’t actually want to be married to you is a pretty devastating concept.
Hold On!
Going away for a week to visit family can be equal parts fun and stressful. If your spouse can’t make it, you might want to make a few calls home.

When this person called home, they heard something a little bit interesting. Not only did they call home and not get to talk to Jamie but there was something interesting about the answering machine. How do you even think to do this to someone?
Jealous of the PlayStation
After a long day, there are some hobbies you really look forward to indulging in. It seems like this person just made an off-hand comment about a pastime they enjoyed.

That comment was clearly not taken lightly by their wife. In what seems like a fit of jealousy from this perspective, she made sure to take that part of their day away. We can’t blame them for getting divorced after a move like that.
A Lot to Process
When you spend a lot of time with each other as spouses do, you might not expect too many life-changing secrets to come out at a certain point.

Learning that your spouse is the father to a child that isn’t yours is a huge thing to learn this far on. On top of that, the math here just doesn’t add up without a major betrayal entering the equation.
No Reaction
There are certain things that you might look forward to with your partner, even if they’re just small parts of your day that make you smile.

What really made this person happy was making their wife crack a smile and even laugh a little bit. It seems like they could get a laugh out of her early on in the relationship but as that dwindled over time, they realized their connection did as well.
Can’t Even Try It
Sometimes, you just have to go back to basics when you’re trying to repair a relationship. This therapist suggested practicing the golden rule.

All the therapist told him to do was try not to say anything unless he had something nice to say. It seems like even the concept was too much for him, though, and he wouldn’t even give it a moment’s thought before he saw the problem as completely infeasible.
In Sickness and in Health, Right?
When you make a vow to your spouse on your wedding day, you promise to be with them in sickness and in health. That means more than just being nearby, though.

After going through the physical ordeal of giving birth, all this OP wanted their spouse to do is grab them some lunch. Even if he was having a bit of a busy day and forgot his wife’s order, he couldn’t get her anything while he was out?
Hard to Watch
There are times when you see a major red flag that you’ll never forget. While this OP wasn’t married to the jerk in question, she definitely wasn’t able to move past this.

We’re not sure many people would be able to look past the situation here. Sure, accidents happen. That alone isn’t a red flag. Swerving to make sure you hit a squirrel head-on is unnecessarily brutal.
That Answers That
When your marriage starts to fail, you might not jump straight to getting a divorce. Plenty of couples try to see if they can salvage what they had.

One way that this couple tried to keep things going was counseling. At least, that’s what this person thought. Later on, their spouse admitted the truth and this person knew divorce was the only answer.
No Discussion There
Getting a new job is exciting. However, it can lead to a big discussion with a spouse if you have to move to a new place.

The discussion surrounding this move was short but far from sweet. Upon announcing the news, this person’s spouse was quick to cut things off, letting them know that they could move on their own. This would still be a pretty brutal thing to hear.
Not Even Fighting
For some couples, the first signs of divorce are arguing more often than you once did. It can be a sign that you just don’t get along anymore.

That’s not exactly what this couple went through. When this couple was arguing, this person thought it meant there was hope in trying to communicate. When they didn’t even bother to disagree with each other anymore, the OP knew things were over.
Time to Move On
When you have children with your spouse, that can make a divorce a bit more complicated than it might be if you’re married without children.

As for this person, it was an interaction with their kids that left them filing for divorce. When their daughter asked them this, they couldn’t help but realize how much their marriage was affecting their children. In the end, they found that getting divorced was for the best.
That’s Pretty Clear…
As we’ve covered already, infidelity in a monogamous relationship can really break hearts and it definitely damages trust. For many couples, it means the end.

The story was a little different. If you’re confessing to cheating on your partner, you’d think you’d be at least a little apologetic about it. It seems a bit shameless to announce to your partner that you’re with their best friend by asking them to be in their next wedding party.
Not Helping Out
Parents sometimes come up with their own daydreams while they’re expecting a child. Clearly, this guy wanted to add a son to his family. Sure, feeling a bit disappointed is normal when things don’t quite live up to your plans.

However, that doesn’t mean that this is the appropriate answer. You can’t let your kids know that you felt this by not taking an active role in their life. Of course, something like this took a toll on this marriage!
Happy Valentine’s…
Valentine’s Day is a day when most couples take the time to celebrate their love. Maybe it’s a great date night for dinner or just some time alone at home. Five years is nothing to scoff at either!

So, this person put a lot of effort into their gift and it could have held a lot of sentimental value. Instead, he didn’t have much reaction to the thoughtful gift at all. At that point, this person knew it was time to get divorced.
What Did You Say?
Having a child means putting a lot of energy and effort into raising them. If you don’t, it can really affect them negatively.

This person knew that it was time to draw the line when they heard their ex-husband say something that most people wouldn’t dare to. The OP just wanted the whole family to spend a little time together, but hearing how dismissive their husband had been about their son was too much to bear.
A Couple of Relationships Falling Apart
Divorce is hard and it can affect other relationships in your life, too. Even getting married can introduce you to new people that you weren’t expecting!

Usually, that might mean some extended family-in-law. As a matter of fact, you usually don’t learn right before the wedding that the person you’re engaged to is actually married to someone else. We’re sure that this caused a breakup and a divorce.
Before Tying the Knot
As we’ve seen, sometimes the red flags show up when marriage is in the picture but before you quite tie the knot with someone. These two seemed like they were on the road to bliss!

After all, their wedding was less than five months away and everything was lining up. That was until their fiancée came in one day to return the ring and confess that she’d been seeing someone else throughout the wedding planning.
This Is Awful
We mentioned it earlier but it seems like it’s not the only time it’s going to come up — when you marry someone, you take them in sickness and in health. This person was definitely sick when this incident happened.

In fact, it was her attitude at the hospital that really sealed the deal that things were over. Hearing these possibilities must be terrifying — and so, it was one moment that this person would have preferred support from their spouse.
Pretty Clear
There’s a cliché in movies where a fraught couple reaches a breaking point and one of them moves out with only a note behind them. It’s dramatic in movies but it’s heartbreaking in real life.

Without any warning, everything you had in life is gone in an instant. Plus, we have to note that this is particularly brutal since she took their cat with them too! Who does that? The letter was also sent in poor taste.
Big Red Flags
Whether you’re dating someone for a few days or married for years and years, you have to keep an eye out for major red flags that pop up and can really take you by surprise.

This behavior was strange and isolating enough that this person was ready to file for divorce right away. Let’s make this perfectly clear — when you’re in a relationship, you should still have friends and a social circle outside of that. It’s healthy… while this idea is not.
Not a Kind Word
When the world feels a lot harder one day, you’d hope that you can come home to at least a kind word. If nothing else, you’d think that you’d have an easier time making it through small talk.

Like many divorces, it seems like this was one thing that was falling apart on both sides. At the very least, they couldn’t manage to stay civil even for a moment.
Oh, Okay Then
Earlier, we talked about what a big decision having kids is between a long-term couple. After all, it’s not easy to have kids without both spouses being on board.

When these two got into another conversation about kids, the views they once shared had changed. Now it wasn’t that this person didn’t want kids at all, just not them. That’s a hard statement to move past and for these two, well, it spelled out divorce.
A lot of people dream of their big day when they tie the knot and all the love that’s supposed to come after. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out that you live happily ever after. After getting divorced, these people all shared what showed them that it was time to let things go and start over.