30+ Charts You Need to See Before Making Some Life-Changing Decisions

Pinterest // Greatist

Are you ready to make a life-changing decision? Our collection of 30+ charts will give you all the information you need to make smart decisions about money, career, and health. Find out where you stand and learn tips from real people who have already rocked their life choices. Whether you’re thinking about taking a leap or just looking for some reassurance, our charts are like a treasure map for making big moves.

The Weak Points in Our Bodies

In times of danger, understanding the body’s weak points can be crucial for self-defense. This knowledge allows you to target vulnerable areas like the eyes, throat, groin, and knees — giving you power and confidence in threatening situations.

Pinterest // Ins3ct

It’s especially important for women to know these vulnerabilities, as it can greatly increase their chances of escaping and surviving in life-or-death situations.

Is Cracking Your Fingers Bad for You?

Have you ever wondered why your fingers make a cracking sound when you crack them? Let me break it down for you. This chart will debunk any myths and give you a better understanding of this common phenomenon.

Pinterest // MrsAnika Taylor

You’ll learn the source of that satisfying clicking sound and whether or not it’s actually beneficial for your fingers. So, let’s crack into it!

How to Use the Grounding Method

When stress and anxiety threaten to overwhelm us, it’s important to have strategies to ground ourselves. One helpful method is the 5-4-3-2-1 grounding chart. By focusing on our senses and engaging with the present moment, we can combat overwhelming feelings and regain a sense of control.

Pinterest // Lora DeVries

This can include noticing what we see, touch, hear, smell, and taste in our immediate surroundings. It’s a simple yet effective way to manage stress and stay grounded amidst challenges.

Quick Guide on Removing Stains

This chart showcasing a gaming controller serves as a powerful metaphor for the aspects of our lives that we have control over. From our attitudes to our daily routines, there are numerous areas where we can actively make positive changes if we’re feeling dissatisfied.

Pinterest // Golden Rule Cleaning Co.

In the midst of our hectic schedules, it’s easy to overlook these smaller yet meaningful adjustments that can lead to greater overall happiness. This playful chart is a gentle reminder of the power we have to shape our own lives for the better.

What You Can Control

Imagine a chart that not only represents a gaming controller, but also your ability to control various aspects of your life. From your attitude towards situations to your sleep patterns, you have the power to make changes and improve your overall happiness.

Pinterest // Ginger Seredinsky

With our busy lives, it’s easy to overlook the small things we have control over. This playful chart serves as a reminder to take charge and make positive changes in your life.

How to Ranger Roll Your T-Shirt

Do you struggle with packing efficiently and fitting all your clothes in limited storage space? Look no further! This chart will teach you the ranger roll technique for folding shirts, making it a breeze to pack for your next adventure or declutter your closet.

Pinterest // Art Of Manliness

With easy-to-follow visuals, you’ll be a packing pro in no time and have more space for all your essentials.

How to Use Wooden Sticks From Popsicles to Learn Angles

As a kid, studying for exams can be tough, especially in subjects like math. But as a math teacher, you have the power to make learning fun and engaging. Why not try using household objects to teach angles?

Pinterest // Abi Hartley

It’s a simple and enjoyable approach that will keep your students interested. And once they finish their popsicles, let them add some color to the sticks – adding even more excitement to the lesson!

How to Take the Perfect Nap Depending on the Time You Have

For those who love a good nap, you probably have your own tried-and-true routine. But, did you know that there are specific types of naps that can benefit your overall well-being? Short power naps lasting 10 to 20 minutes can give you a quick boost of alertness and focus, while longer full sleep cycle naps of about 90 minutes can improve memory and cognitive function.

Pinterest // T C Kim Dersin

Whether it’s for increased productivity or just feeling better throughout the day, taking the right nap can make all the difference – depending on your unique needs and situation.

How to Get 30 Grams of Protein From Different Foods

Are you a fitness enthusiast constantly on the lookout for protein-packed meals? Many people believe that vegetarian diets make it difficult to consume enough protein, but this chart proves otherwise.

Pinterest // Heather Johnson

Did you know that 1.5 cups of tofu contains the same amount of protein as a chicken breast? With helpful charts like these, planning nutritious meals becomes a breeze.

Different Ways to Say You Don’t Work for Free

Navigating the corporate world can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to setting boundaries with your boss. But don’t worry, this new generation is all about speaking up for ourselves.

Reddit // u/beybabooba

So go ahead and confidently assert yourself by politely declining any extra work that isn’t compensated for. This handy chart provides great examples of how to communicate your worth in a clear and direct manner. Because you deserve to be fairly compensated for your hard work!

Google Like a Professional

This search engine is renowned for its ability to find information quickly and accurately. But not everyone knows the tricks to using it effectively. This handy chart shows helpful shortcuts that can streamline your search and give you more precise results.

Reddit // u/Best-2021-ever

For instance, if you’re looking for information from a specific time period, like 2005-2020, you can include that in your search term to narrow down your results.

How to Filter Water in the Wild

Exploring the great outdoors is an amazing adventure, but it’s important to be prepared for any situation. What if you run out of food or clean water? That’s where this chart comes in handy! It teaches you how to purify water from nature using different methods so you can stay hydrated and avoid getting sick.

Pinterest // RO Water SA

Whether you’re a seasoned camper or new to the wilderness, this chart is easy to understand and will help you find clean drinking water with just some basic supplies. Don’t let a lack of clean water ruin your trip — be informed and stay safe with this essential guide.

Elevation Levels in USA

The United States is known for its majestic mountains, particularly on the northwest coast. But did you know that the east coast is surprisingly flat?

Reddit // u/calmgalaxy

This handy map shows the varying elevations across the country, including some unexpected heights in Washington state. If you’re an avid hiker, be sure to consult this chart before setting out on your next mountain adventure.

Teaspoons Converted to Cups

As any home cook knows, keeping track of measurements can be a real struggle in the kitchen. That’s where a teaspoon converter to cups chart comes in handy. No more frantically searching for conversions from teaspoons to cups or grams – this tool simplifies everything.

Pinterest // TheHarvestKitchen

Need 1/4 cup of an ingredient? Just use 12 teaspoons. It’s quick and accurate, making it easy to adjust recipes and maintain consistent results. So whether you’re doubling up on servings or swapping out ingredients, this converter has got your back in the kitchen.

First in Line in the Emergency Room

We’ve all spent time waiting in the emergency room, grumbling about the long wait. But let’s not forget that there are others with much more serious situations, like stroke victims or those involved in car accidents.

Reddit // u/Superquzzical825

That’s why having a system in place to prioritize cases is crucial. It helps patients understand when they’ll be seen and how urgent their situation is compared to others, like an allergic reaction taking precedence over someone needing stitches.

Understanding Aircraft Lights and How They Work

Chances are, you’ve gazed up at the sky and spotted an airplane passing by, with its signature red and green lights. But have you ever wondered why these colors are used? As it turns out, it’s a crucial safety measure for pilots to easily identify other planes in the sky, especially during nighttime flights.

Reddit // u/jpc4stro

And this handy chart shows exactly how these lights appear from different angles, helping pilots maintain proper spacing while flying high in the air. Knowing the significance of these lights could make your next plane ride even more fascinating!

What to Do if Falling From Waterfall

When exploring waterfall areas, a survival chart is a must-have for any traveler. It includes important tips and crucial information about potential dangers, helping you stay safe and informed during your outdoor adventures.

Instagram // @survivalcompass

Plus, with easy-to-follow steps, you can easily recall the necessary precautions in high-stress situations. Stay prepared and have a worry-free nature experience!

Happiness Tricks You Can Add Our Daily Life

Our brains are incredible, and we have the power to use them to our advantage. By engaging in activities that stimulate oxytocin and serotonin release, we can improve our mood and overall well-being. This handy happiness trick chart offers fun and simple ways to incorporate these activities into our daily lives.

Pinterest // SuperfoodSanctuary.com

From spending time with loved ones to practicing gratitude, these little things can make a big impact on our mental and emotional resilience. Plus, who doesn’t feel better after playing with a dog or baby? Studies have shown this can actually boost your mood! So why not give it a try today?

Instructions on How to Build a Perfect Fort

Want to relive the carefree days of your childhood or give your kids a taste of pure fun? Look no further! This helpful guide provides step by step instructions, complete with pictures, on how to build the ultimate sofa fort.

Reddit // u/gmlg14

Not only is it a great way for parents and kids to bond and work together, but it also encourages creativity and resourcefulness as you use everyday household items to create your own cozy hideaway. No fancy equipment needed here!

Cheat Chart for English Teachers

As a teacher, cheat sheets are a lifesaver. They make it effortless to explain tricky concepts to students and also serve as a quick reference guide for ourselves. This particular cheat sheet is especially helpful for English teachers as it saves time in lesson planning and grading.

Pinterest // TidyLady Printables

It’s important to ensure accuracy when teaching punctuation, and this cheat sheet reinforces those skills for students. For instance, it clearly outlines how and when to use a semicolon, like connecting two related independent clauses in a sentence.

The Benefits of Using Foot Reflexology

Have you ever tried using a foot reflexology chart? It’s a handy tool for finding pressure points on your feet that correspond to different parts of your body. These points can be massaged to help you relax, relieve stress, and improve overall well-being.

Instagram // @shu.sanjuan

When it comes to using the chart, it’s important to focus on what matters most to you and your goals. For many, this may mean prioritizing things like relationships, health, personal growth, or pursuing passions and meaningful activities that bring long-term happiness and fulfillment. So why not give it a try and see how it can benefit you?

Plaids and Patterns

When it comes to choosing clothes or fabrics, there’s a wide range of plaids and patterns available. To help you make the best choice, consider using charts, like the one here, which can compare different designs.

Reddit // u/cozystarling

You’ve probably seen classic options like buffalo check before, but there are also lesser-known options like glen check orange that may inspire your next look.

1% Cost of Living

Take a look at this U.S. map chart that breaks down the salary requirements for being in the top 1% in each state. As someone living in the U.S., it’s important to know what it takes to be considered part of the elite wealthy class, but this chart also sheds light on the drastic differences in cost of living across the country.

Reddit // u/hearsdemons

You probably already knew California is pricey, but did you know a state like Montana has a much lower cost of living? This chart shows it all.

Hair Colour Predictions

If you’re expecting a little one, a hair color chart can give you an idea of what hair color your child might have based on family genetics.

Reddit // u/NationYell

It’s also a helpful tool for understanding how traits are inherited and managing expectations. For example, if one parent has red hair and the other has brown, it’s likely their child will have brown hair as well.

How to Make Your Adopted Dog Feel More at Home

Bringing a new dog into your home can be a bit nerve-wracking, both for you and for the pup. Remember, they are also adjusting to a new environment and may take some time to feel comfortable.

Pinterest // Rescue Dogs 101

To help you manage expectations and provide support during this transition, there is a helpful chart that shows how your adopted dog may feel after 3 days, 3 weeks, and 3 months in their new home. It gives insights on emotional and behavioral changes over time, so you can anticipate challenges and celebrate milestones as your furry friend settles into their new surroundings.

How to Predict Your Child’s Eye Colour

For new parents, this eye color chart is a great resource to understand how their child’s eye color may be inherited. It’s a visual guide that explains the genetics behind eye color and helps set realistic expectations.

Instagram // @med.guide

Did you know that if one parent has green eyes and the other has blue eyes, there’s a 50% chance of the baby having both? But brown eyes won’t be in the mix! Explore your child’s unique traits with this helpful tool.

Common Birthdates

This handy birthday chart shows that September takes the cake as the most popular birth month. Just take a peek at the bottom to see which days are more commonly shared throughout each month! Not only is this information useful for demographic research, but it also helps with event planning and marketing strategies.

Reddit // r/coolguides

Plus, it’s fascinating to see patterns and connections between individuals who share a birthday, creating a sense of community. And let’s not forget how easy and informative this chart makes all that data!

Cold vs. Hot Shower

Are you someone who takes their health seriously? Then, a cold vs hot shower chart is a must-have tool for your daily routine. It breaks down the benefits of both options, from improving circulation and muscle relaxation to boosting your immune system with cold showers.

Pinterest // ONDY

With this handy chart, you can easily decide between an invigorating cold shower or a soothing hot one, ensuring that you’re taking a well-rounded approach to your well-being.

Land Formations Made Simple

A land formation chart can help us understand the complex relationships between different land masses and bodies of water.

Reddit // u/_Floydian

By visually presenting how these features have evolved over time, it simplifies the concepts of geography for people of all ages. It’s like a map for understanding our Earth’s fascinating history.

Bumper Sticker Safety

If you want to stay safe while driving and protect your personal information, it’s crucial to understand proper bumper sticker placement. This handy chart shows you where to place stickers on your car for maximum visibility and minimum distraction.

Reddit // r/coolguides

By following these simple guidelines, you can drive with confidence and avoid sharing sensitive information that could put you at risk. Stay safe out there on the road!

The Amount of Snow it Takes to Cancel School

This map is a valuable tool for schools, providing clear guidelines for closures during severe weather. It improves transparency and ensures the safety of students and staff.

Reddit // r/coolguides

Interestingly, schools in the south have lower thresholds for closure due to snow, while those in the north have to contend with more frequent snowfall.

Using the Right Onion for Cooking

Onions are a must in every kitchen and add great flavor to dishes. It’s important to know the difference between onion types, like red and yellow onions. Red onions are best for salads, while yellow onions can be prepared in various ways, such as caramelizing or sautéing, to elevate sauces and soups.

Pinterest // Barbecue Basket

If you’re passionate about cooking, using an onion chart can guide you in selecting the perfect onion for your recipes, improving the taste and texture of all your creations!

Different Types of Tea

For centuries, drinking tea has been a beloved tradition, and its health benefits are widely recognized around the globe. This helpful chart breaks down the different types of tea and their specific benefits. For instance, lavender tea is great for relaxing and promoting a good night’s sleep, while green tea is loaded with antioxidants that can improve heart health and boost metabolism.

Pinterest // Healthline

By referencing this handy chart, people can choose the perfect tea to suit their needs — whether it be for relaxation or for improving overall health. Plus, it’s a great alternative for those who don’t enjoy coffee or other hot beverages.

How to Count Days of the Month on Your Hand

Kids always seem to be on the lookout for clever ways to make tasks easier, like using a cheat sheet to learn their multiplication tables. In this case, we have a chart that shows how you can use your knuckles to remember the number of days in each month.

Reddit // u/ollieoliverx000

It’s simple — months landing on your knuckles have 31 days, while the ones in between usually have 30 (except for February, which has 28 days unless it’s a leap year). By assigning knuckles and spaces between them to represent months, counting becomes a breeze and eliminates the need for memorization. Pretty neat, right?

7 Chakras

If you’re interested in spirituality or practices like yoga and meditation, this 7-chakra chart is a great tool. It helps you understand and balance the energy centers in your body, identifying areas that may be out of sync.

Instagram // @indianvedicschool

By following the chart’s guidance and utilizing techniques and movements, you can promote harmony and alignment within yourself. This chart supports self-awareness, mindfulness, and holistic healing for personal growth and spiritual development. And if you use crystals during meditation, there are specific ones that can aid in opening up your chakras — like placing an amethyst on your third eye chakra.

Evolution of the Alphabet

Have you ever wondered about the origins of our alphabet? This chart gives us a glimpse into the evolution of letters and how they have changed over time and across different cultures.

Instagram // @matt_najiar

From the early days of written communication in ancient civilizations like Rome and Phoenicia, to the modern alphabet that we use today with its distinct vowel markings and standardized order — this chart offers a visual journey through the development of our beloved ABCs. So, next time you’re curious about the letter A or Z, take a look at this chart and discover how it evolved!

Healthy Food Pyramid

Do you care about eating healthy? If so, this food pyramid chart makes it easy to understand and plan your meals. It shows the most important nutrition groups at the bottom and less healthy options at the top.

Instagram // @Jogani.wellness

This helps you make balanced choices for your health and teaches you about the benefits of a variety of foods. Use it to improve your gut health and live a healthier life!

Tattoo Pain Scale

Tattoo pain maps categorize body parts based on how much they hurt when getting inked. These maps are great for predicting pain and helping artists plan the sessions they have with their clients. Of course, we all know the ribcage and fingers are brutal, but don’t forget about these other spots!

Pinterest // Greatist

They’re like treasure maps for clients and artists, making the tattoo process a bit less intimidating. Just look at all the different colors — they tell you which areas are a breeze or a total buzzkill.

How Colourblind People See

Did you know that people who are colorblind don’t just see things in black and white? In fact, there are different types of color blindness, and it’s important to understand and accommodate for them.

Pinterest // Bored Panda

That’s why a chart showcasing their perspective is so important — it promotes awareness and makes designs accessible. Plus, it’s a fun way to test yourself or your friends who may be colorblind! So go ahead, give it a try, and see the world through a different lens.

Baby’s Development in Stages

A chart for baby development keeps track of a tiny human’s growth until they’re one year old. It helps grown-ups understand and keep an eye out for any potential issues with their little one’s development. And it even offers tips for helping them grow big and strong!

Pinterest // Etsy

Like, at six months, babies often start sitting up by themselves and making cute babbling noises. And by 12 months, they might be able to stand on their own, take some very wobbly steps, and say some words (or maybe even a few whole sentences!). How cool is that?