Sports moments go viral all the time, but it’s usually the games that garner attention. However, in 2023, some of the most viral sports moments came from the media. See which of these unsuspecting sports media personalities stole the spotlight from the actual athletes.
Dan Le Batard
Dan Le Batard took some time out of his interview with Vince Wilfork to compliment the former Patriots defensive lineman’s marriage. Only after Batard finished gushing about the relationship did Wilfork reveal he’s divorced. Well, that’s awkward!
Samantha Rivera
Samantha Rivera doesn’t really deserve the blame for this one, as it was the fan who was at fault. Rivera was reporting for CBS Miami when an out-of-control fan tried to get in front of the camera.

Rivera somehow managed to do both her and security’s jobs simultaneously.
Joe Buck
We’ve all had that awkward moment in which we’re not sure whether the other person is going for a handshake, a fist bump, or a high-five.

Well, Joe Buck and Josh Harris had such a moment, and we’re still cringing from the second-hand embarrassment.
Sara Walsh
Sara Walsh seems to have been projecting a bit when she went on a rant about spouses who spend too much time at golf courses. To be fair, Walsh had a point when she said, “It takes the international space station 90 minutes to orbit around the earth… It takes you 90 minutes to shoot 6 over through the first 6 holes.” Ouch.