40+ Creepy and Haunted Things People Found in Their Homes

This article appeared in Cleverclassic and has been published here with permission.

Buying a new home can be a pretty amazing thing. That is unless you find something pretty creepy waiting for you when you walk in! Believe us, this happens more often than you think it does. Just take a look at these creepy things people have found in their homes. From literal bones to a tooth-encrusted light switch, these are some of the creepiest things people have found or discovered in their homes — and couldn’t help but share with the internet.

Grab My Teeth

Sometimes, in old homes, there are all these nooks and crannies that just get missed when people are leaving the building. That means that occasionally, something is left behind that we’re almost positive would eventually be missed.

Grab My Teeth

It’s terribly scary finding a jar of somebody’s dentures, for sure. Especially if they’re found in the house walls, we’re not sure what’s going on, but maybe they need to check in with the previous house owners?

Bones in the Basement

Basements and crawl spaces are just naturally creepy and offer a little bit of a haunted vibe, as well. It doesn’t matter what you find in them. Those little crawl spaces are dark, damp, and mysterious.

Bones in the Basement

But if we were these people, and we found bones in one of those? That would be it for us; there’d definitely be some talking done with the real estate agent!

Watching You

The truth is, we never really know who our neighbors are. They could be kindhearted and loving people. Or, they could be crazy people who document every waking hour of our lives in small little notebooks and leave them for the next owner to find.

Watching You

We might take a look at these notebooks, though, just to see who our neighbors actually are. Then, we would throw them away; this just seems a little obsessive and very creepy!

Just Lying There

One of the most amazing things about purchasing a new home is exploring all the nooks and crannies and discovering everything about the house. That being said, if we walked into our attic, and this is what we found, we might turn around and leave quickly.

Just Lying There

Not sure what was going on here, but it definitely looks like something out of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and we’re just not up for it!

Left Their Mark

The law states that real estate agents must tell you if somebody passes away in the home. But we’re not sure this real estate agent really needed to tell the new homeowner what had happened here, thanks to this lovely imprint on the floor.

Left Their Mark

We’re not overly superstitious. However, we’re sure that if this is what we saw when we walked into the house, there’d definitely be some cleansing and maybe even a blessing necessary before we actually moved in.

Switch On

It’s one thing to walk into a room and be greeted with horrible furniture or paint on the walls but to flip on the switch and see this, would be terrifying! After seeing this, we’d definitely have to think twice before we invest in this home.

Switch On

It’s evident what type of interior designer the previous house owner was, due to this horrific and creepy light fixture! At least the walls aren’t black!

Don’t Let Us Disturb You

It’s a wonderful thing to find creepy dolls or strange interiors but it’s another thing to find a living, breathing, terrifying monster. This would be one of those moments when you walk into a room, and then you walk right back out, immediately reaching for your phone.

Don’t Let Us Disturb You

This is terrifying, and the fact that there are all those little babies makes it even creepier. It’s time to dial the Orkin man for sure!

Dust and Cobwebs

When a loved one passes away, one of the worst things you have to do is to go into their home and clean it out. Not only because you’ll be diving through memories but because you really get a good look at exactly who that loved one was.

Dust and Cobwebs

We only wonder why no one had come to visit him before to help him out with these cobwebs. It had to be scary for him to live there, too. It was probably almost as scary as it was for this poor guy to clean it up.

So Creepy!

Dolls are just creepy all by themselves! But if they’re older dolls with that antique look and are found in our home, riding a duck like this, it makes them even creepier. On top of that, look at those eyes. It’s almost as if she’s staring into your soul!

So Creepy!

This would be finding its way to the trash can as fast as possible. Maybe with a little splash of holy water to seal the deal!


When you’re in college, you take whatever you can get. You have limited funds, and you’re trying to make sure you have your own space instead of living in the dorms, so we can understand why someone might overlook a certain level of creep factor.


Though we’re not sure we’d be able to overlook a baby’s tombstone in the basement, we could understand how this person tried. We just hope he got a good deal on the rent!

Art Is Subjective

Art is something that is very personal when it comes to likes and dislikes. Some really dig the macabre, and others dig the more cheerful. But in the end, we’re not sure who really appreciates this piece of artwork.

Art Is Subjective

Finding this in our home would terrify us, especially if it’s a home we inherited from our grandmother. This would definitely make us question grandma’s taste.

Skeletons and a Headless Santa

Many people make money nowadays by buying old houses, fixing them, and flipping them for a return on their investment. One of the best things to do is to find old homes and really dive deep, but sometimes you get more than you bargained for.

Skeletons and a Headless Santa

For instance, if we saw this, we might seriously reconsider purchasing the house. After all, who wants cat skeletons and a headless Santa staring at them while they’re trying to remodel?

No Sleep for Me

When you’re traveling, you get to sleep in many new places, and some of those places come with very odd decorations. We don’t know who this person was staying with, but one thing is for sure: they had an interesting idea of what counts as art.

No Sleep for Me

No matter how gracious they were by offering to let us stay in their home, even if it was to save a little bit of money, if we saw this, we’d kindly find a local hostel and book a room.

Tattoo Removal

Nowadays, many people go to tattoo removal places, and it’s as simple as a few sessions to get rid of the unwanted ink. But they didn’t have that option back in the old days, apparently! It looks like it was a lot more painful and a little more creepy to get a tattoo removed.

Tattoo Removal

Though we’re not sure why you’d want to keep a tattoo that you were having removed, it’s kind of a unique find. Gross and a little creepy, but definitely a unique find!

Sculpted to Terrify

Millions of houses all over Europe have been abandoned and left to decay. Many people love to go into them and take a look or even purchase them and remodel them.

Sculpted to Terrify

Though this is a very creepy statue, we also wonder if it’s a priceless piece of art by one of the classic Italian sculptors. It could turn out to be creepy but lucrative!

Glued in Place

Whenever you buy a house, there’s bound to be some sort of insects or bugs around. Especially if you purchase one out in the middle of nowhere, you often have to install traps and stuff to get the house ready to live in.

Glued in Place

But glue traps are only supposed to catch small things, and this is not a small thing. If we were this person, we’d be waiting for someone to remove this. We wouldn’t go anywhere near that!

Extra Teeth

There are a lot of parents and families out there that like to keep mementos of people as they grow up. Sometimes these are simple things like cards or pictures, and apparently, other times, it seems to be teeth.

Extra Teeth

Though we’re not sure where these teeth came from, and we’d definitely be eyeing grandma a little suspiciously, it’s not as bad as some things they could have found. Right?

Don’t Explode!

It’s one thing to find creepy dolls and strange pictures, but things that could go boom are definitely something that would creep us out. Who keeps military ordnance like this in their house, and where did they get it?

Don’t Explode!

We’re not sure where this house is located, but maybe it was in some sort of war zone during one of the big wars. That would be the only way we would accept finding this in a home we just bought.

Hanging Around

There are many things wrong with finding this grenade lying around a home being inspected. The first is that it was even there, and the second is that it was left there while they repainted the room.

Hanging Around

We’d have serious questions about the homeowners who chose to simply airbrush over the top of a grenade that still looks like it could be used.

Look Out!

Strange and creepy don’t often collide with this type of occurrence. The fact that this plane engine hurtled itself into a neighbor’s house would have scared us to death. How no one was injured, is beyond us.

Look Out!

Even stranger, still, is the fact that the person just left it hanging out on the wall. Maybe they were waiting for someone to inspect it before figuring out how to patch that hole up?

Remodeling Finds

Sometimes when you buy a new home, the first thing you want to do is get in there and make it your own. This means a lot of renovations, sometimes tearing walls down to either re-panel or fix things within them.

Remodeling Finds

This little guy looks creepy and seems to have been there for quite a long time. We only wonder how nobody realized there was something dead in the walls because, clearly, this had to have some sort of smell.

Holding It

Sometimes, people fall on hard times and struggle to pay the rent. This can send them into depression and almost have them become a shut-in, in their own homes. Maybe that’s what happened to this poor guy?

Holding It

Though we can understand the feelings and emotions, we can’t understand how someone could live in that kind of condition. After all, that had to be pretty stinky after a while.

Slugging it Out

Occasionally, when you go to someone’s house, you’ll see a bug. No matter how clean their house is, sometimes things get in and there’s no telling how. But if we went to our girlfriend’s house and this is what we saw, we’d be a little unnerved.

Slugging it Out

In fact, if it were us, we’d probably just suggest that we hang out at our place instead. After all, nobody wants to deal with that!

Enough Said

There’s something to be said for art that is provocative. Many people enjoy pieces that make some sort of statement about culture and society, but we’re not sure this is doing that.

Enough Said

We’re sure that if we saw this as part of the wall decorations, we’d definitely want to find a different room to work in. After all, this is clearly a little unnerving, and we’d be afraid of being watched the whole time.

Leg Up

Sometimes when you purchase a new home, there’s a lot of work to be done, including doing a little work on the foundation. But because, frequently, these houses have been built over areas where people have potentially passed away, you may find something like this.

Leg Up

Just because it’s a known possibility, that doesn’t mean it’s any less creepy or frightening to find. We’d just hope that’s the only bone they found!

Duct Tape Man

Sometimes, the creepy and strange things you find in your home aren’t in your home but around it. Just because you live in an apartment complex doesn’t mean there aren’t strange things to be seen lying around.

Duct Tape Man

There are so many questions that we have about this duct-taped man just lying around. We hope this was something for a Halloween decoration, and this is just the leftovers after the holiday is over.

Don’t Want to Know

The last thing we want to think about is our grandparents getting romantic or being in any type of frisky mood. So we can understand why someone who found this book in their grandmother’s house would be a little disturbed.

Don’t Want to Know

Why was this book even made? And why did grandma have it in her house? These questions will remain unanswered for this person for the rest of their lives.

No Exit

A lot of homes have basements in them, and sometimes, in those basements, you can find strange little rooms in them. This is creepy enough in and of itself, but the previous owner thought that door needed to be blocked and we wonder why…

No Exit

For us, the creepiest and most haunted aspect of this house wasn’t that there was a door but what happened that they felt it needed to be blocked?!

Rock-a-Bye Baby?

Attics, like basements, are just really scary situations. Especially when you’re just getting into a new home, and it’s an older one, you can always bet that something in the attic will give you a bit of the creeps.

Rock-a-Bye Baby?

That, coupled with the natural creepy vibes of an old-timey baby carriage, gives you a perfect setup for the beginnings of any horror movie.

Monkey Shine

There’s just something about old dolls that give you the haunted house vibe, no matter what type of doll it is. This one definitely does because the first thing we thought of was that awful horror movie Monkey Shine.

Monkey Shine

Why was this ever a thing that kids would play with?! Even when this was brand new, we’re pretty positive it was creepy!

I Don’t Want To

Old pictures can be a great way to reminisce about the way life used to be. But sometimes, they fade after a while and can become very scary.

I Don’t Want To

That, coupled with a little message from whoever left the picture behind, will give us many sleepless nights. “Do you see him?” No, and to tell you the truth, we really don’t want to see him! Do you?

Knife Room

Many people use rooms in their basements for a whole wealth of different things. Sometimes, they’re used as bedrooms, and other times, they can be offices. Very few, though, have this type of creepy corner in the basement.

Knife Room

We’re not sure what was happening here, but something tells us there were people in the house between the last owner and this renter. If not, it’s time to ask those owners some questions!

Never Stops

There’s no telling what people think are great ways to decorate their homes. Everybody has their own ideas and sometimes, they can be meaningful but creepy to the next owners!

Never Stops

We’re not sure what never stops, but one thing is definite: we don’t want to find out! We definitely wouldn’t have gone any further in the contract signing, on this one, once we saw that.


Many people like to paint as a way to relax. For those that are really good at it, this can even become a career. And for those that aren’t as good, you can leave behind a wonderfully creepy portrait for the next person who lives in your house.


This is really an abstract piece, and we’re sure they didn’t intend on it being this creepy. Or if they did, they did a really good job!

Give Me a Hand

Old apartment buildings can be just as creepy as Victorian houses, especially when you start exploring the common areas like the basement or the roof. Most of the time, the roof will be pretty safe, but we’re definitely sure something in that basement will be creepy.

Give Me a Hand

Maybe not as creepy as this handprint on the outside of the door, but definitely creepy. Not sure what happened here, but it looks like a great opening for this guy to tell some pretty crazy stories.

Creepy Doll for the Win

After a loved one has passed away, estate sales are a way that many people can make money to repay debts. In these estate sales, you can find amazing treasures, and you can also find some creepy dolls.

Creepy Doll for the Win

This doll doesn’t look like something a child should play with, and we just hope that none did. Otherwise, that kid probably had nightmares forever and wasn’t able to ever watch Chucky.


Abandoned houses sometimes go into disarray, and homeless people find their way into them. Along with that, kids get in there to pull pranks and do crazy things. So we’re sure that’s what happened in this case.


Even though we know how this came about, it still doesn’t make it any less creepy nor take away from the haunted feel of this derelict home.

Contacting the Previous Owner

Ouija boards are pivotal points in a wealth of different horror stories and movies. That’s because they’re intended to contact spirits from beyond the grave, and that’s always a great way to start off a horror movie.

Contacting the Previous Owner

It’s also a creepy way to start out cleaning out your new basement. Finding something like this would have us thinking about exorcizing the house before moving in. At the very least, a good spiritual cleansing should be done. That way, nothing is left behind to start trouble!

Calling Card

Many people are fascinated with serial killers and are intrigued by these monsters, trying to explain why they did what they did. Many of them would kill to have a piece of memorabilia like this.

Calling Card

One thing’s for sure, this person’s grandparents are probably happy they didn’t call the number on that card. After all, things could have gone horribly wrong if they had picked up the phone!

Making a Statement

Most of the time, when we talk about haunted and creepy things being found in the home, it’s in the interior. But there are some people who aren’t afraid to let their creepy flag fly, and this family is one of them!

Making a Statement

The only thing we can hope for is this was for Halloween and isn’t a year-round design choice! If it is year-round, this is the house that all the kids always stay away from!

Hidden Data

Sometimes, it’s not necessarily what you see but rather what you don’t see that makes something super creepy. The fact that this memory card was taped to look like there was nothing there must mean there’s something pretty interesting on it.

Hidden Data

We would be cautious when we uploaded it, but we’d definitely upload it to see what was sitting on this little goldmine! Don’t judge us, you would look too!

Photocopy From Beyond

People often have weird occurrences when they come home to find that things aren’t where they left them. This can be explained pretty easily as simply being a little absent-minded when they were leaving.

Photocopy From Beyond

But coming home to a photocopy of this, which we’re not sure what it is but it could be anything from someone’s face to the inside of their mouth, would creep us out.

Creepy All Year Round

Many people have a lot of strange hobbies, and that’s okay. After all, who are we to judge? We’re sure that some of the hobbies that we all have look strange to other people, too. But this one, in particular, seems to be begging for a conversation.

Creepy All Year Round

One thing is for sure: we’ll be looking for a new house elsewhere. Or be very adamant about making friends with this very odd person.

I’m Listening

Sometimes, when marriages begin to flounder, one person thinks the other may be stepping out on them. This sparks all kinds of paranoia, which may lead to them doing some pretty interesting things.

I’m Listening

Though it’s a little bit of a voyeuristic thing to do, we’d definitely listen to the tapes because they’re there. On the other hand, it’s creepy that the guy kept it for 20 years.

Hold This for Me

When you have a new home, you want to ensure you can keep your family safe. That’s why many people invest in home security systems and cameras so they can monitor everything when they’re away.

Hold This for Me

But this is one heck of an alarm system. We’re not sure what was happening here, but we’d definitely be a little alarmed if we shut the door and turned around to see this!