With all the serious things going on in the world, it’s healthy to allow ourselves to laugh at the silliness around us. Having a sense of humor about the little things helps us get through the bigger problems we face. In this spirit, here are some funny airport moments to lighten the mood.
Will You Marry Me?
Public marriage proposals have been popular for ages, but they never get old. When someone asks their beloved to spend the rest of their lives together, it’s always an exciting occurrence for bystanders. As you can see in this photo, the people witnessing the proposal are thrilled for the happy couple. Proposing in an airport is sure to be a tear-jerker!

It’s Me And Junior!
This new mom tried to make fun of herself after she gained some weight with the pregnancy. Maybe she was afraid that her husband wouldn’t be able to recognize her and their baby – he’d been away in the military for a long time and this would be his first time meeting his newborn son. She wanted to welcome her husband home with a good dose of humor. So sweet!

Creative Napping
If you’re stuck at the airport and want to take a nap, you’ll need to get creative. This lady realized that she could turn the waiting area seats into a bed by simply sliding underneath the armrests. We’re not sure how comfortable it really is, but she seems to be fast asleep! Who needs a hotel room when you can save some money by stretching out in the middle of the airport?

Yoga On the Go
There are no rules against doing yoga in a public space – so what better way to loosen up your body when your flight is delayed or you’ve just spent many hours on a long flight? Just pull out your yoga mat right there in the lounge area. Who knows, you might even start a trend – as other people will surely be tempted to follow your lead and get some exercise while they wait.

A Toilet For Pets
There is nothing wrong with your eyes – you are indeed seeing a pet toilet at the airport. This is one of the first airports to build a place for your pet to relieve itself before or after a long flight. With this type of gesture, the San Diego airport shows that they not only care for their human passengers, but also their animal companions.

Look At Me, Daddy!
What a great idea to introduce a daddy to his new baby girl when he sees her for the first time! He surely fell in love right there… especially when he saw this poster! And we would also guess that he fell in love all over again with the mommy of his baby. Modifying well-known lyrics from a pop song is quite an original way to introduce a dad to his new baby, so this mom gets some major points for creativity.

Where To Put The Baby?
If you’re standing in the security line and need to put your child down for just a minute, what do you do? This mom chose the nearest bucket on the conveyor belt. She was asked to remove her shoes, so she needed both hands free – and the bucket seemed to her like the safest place to put her infant. If the belt started moving, the baby could’ve been pushed into the X-ray machine! But luckily, that didn’t happen here, and the infant stayed safe and sound in his little container.

Unclaimed Luggage
This girl looks like she’s on her way to dreamland – even if it’s on a conveyor belt. This seems like a fun way to kill time while waiting to get on the plane. Hopefully, there will be something to keep her busy in flight since she might get hyper after napping for too long on the luggage belt. Best wake her up before she ends up somewhere other than her family intended.

What Happened To the People?
This photo is not what it seems. Maybe you think all the passengers were transformed into falcons by an evil witch. In fact, this was a prince from Saudi Arabia who used his status to get all 80 of his falcons on a commercial flight. This is a luxury only a highly-privileged person could enjoy. But all envy aside, at least the falcons were safe and sound during their flight.

Security Search Or a Dance?
This woman looks so happy to be searched by airport security, it’s as if she is performing a dance. Maybe she’s a frequent traveler and has realized that it’s best to go through security with a smile. She sets a good example for all of us to follow, when we get frustrated by the long waits at the airport. That’s how it’s done, ladies and gentlemen – with a skip in your step.

Not a Wasted Pose
Oftentimes when we strike a pose, no one takes notice. Luckily for this lady, someone turned her airport pose into an unforgettable moment. Maybe she was tired of standing up straight all day long and needed to do some stretching. And what better way to do it than to strike an alluring pose, just in case someone has a camera at hand.

Familiar Faces
While rushing through the airport, you might get lucky and spot a familiar face on the way. Even if you’re in a hurry, taking a second or two to snap a quick photo of your favorite singer is not a waste. Your idol will likely not even notice, because she’s also in a hurry to catch their flight.

Fully Exposed
If you want to travel the globe these days, you need to be okay with having every part of your body exposed to the security X-rays. There is just no secret place on your body anymore – those security agents are able to see even more than your doctor can. If you are a citizen of the world, then this is your way of life – and you need to take it in stride, no matter the exposure. So put your hands in the air and show that you have nothing to hide.

She Must Have Meant Duty
This young soldier was away from his girlfriend for a long time, and she clearly missed him – welcoming him home with a clever sign left that left nothing to the imagination. The couple was ecstatic to be reunited, and nothing else seems to matter! Hopefully these two lovebirds will be able to make up for lost time.

No Need To Run!
Is this the real Forrest Gump on the train? No, it was just a look-alike on his way to see his own Jenny. This guy looked and dressed just like Forrest from the movie Forrest Gump. So it was no surprise that someone had to take a picture to show the crazy occurrence to everyone at home.

Show the World His Real Face
If his friends meant to embarrass the poor guy, they must have succeeded with this blown-up photo. Hopefully, Mokie saw this picture from a distance and did not show his face in the reception area. Nobody wants to see a giant picture of themselves in public, especially when they’re making such a silly face. But we’re sure his friends had the best of intentions and just wanted to get a good laugh out of Mokie.

How To Win Their Trust
Seeing a crashed airplane below you as you take off would surely cause some anxiety. This is the picture you are met with when you depart from the international airport in Moscow. It is indeed a crazy way to win passengers’ trust – hopefully they can get the wreckage cleaned up soon so that everyone can have happier thoughts upon take-off.

Vanity Taken Too Far
This is what happens when you become too obsessed with your own face. Simon’s girlfriend clearly had enough of his vanity, and decided to let him know by shaming him in public. It may have been just a good joke intended to get a laugh out of him – we may never know. But Britney’s sign certainly caught the attention of all arriving passengers.

The New Comfy Chair
When you can’t sit up straight anymore, you need to find a good resting place for your head. And what better thing to use than your trusted suitcase companion? It holds all of your clothes, and can certainly hold your head as well. But where to put the rest of your body? Right there in the chair where it has always been. It only requires a bit of rearrangement.

Where Past Meets Future
This plane landed in middle earth, and they had to ask a few dwarfs to get it out of the ditch. Hopefully, the dwarfs got paid for their labor because you do not want to mess with a dwarf and his gold. All kidding aside, this was a scene being shot for the movie Man vs. Beast. They wanted to see if 44 little people would be stronger than an elephant – it turned out they were not.

Not Even During Christmas Holidays?
How will you break it to your grandchild that you could not bring them a snow globe because it was not allowed on the airplane? Maybe you can blame the Grinch, but what about that durian fruit you promised them? Some gifts simply can’t be brought on a plane, and for good reason – durian has such a strong smell, it would make the flight unbearable for all passengers!

Prepared to Fly
This man is unbelievably prepared for his long flight. He’s sporting a face mask to protect his airways, an eye mask to block out the light so he can get some sleep, a neck pillow, and noise-canceling headphones. He’s clearly a frequent traveler and knows what kind of gear he needs to be comfortable on a flight.

Not For the Weak
Even if it was legal to take such a photo for Instagram, it seems like going a bit too far just to get more followers. But that did not stop this pilot from getting the picture no one else can get, from the safety of Photoshop. Unfortunately, he was found out and lost most of his Instagram followers. So what’s next, a photo of him walking on the moon? That would be a brave feat.

Heartfelt Handwriting
This sign came from the heart of a child, and if you cannot read it, try imagining yourself as a child again. Just rearrange the letters in the right order, and you will see the intended message. This sweet little girl wanted to welcome her grandparents home when the family came to pick them up at the airport – and her handwritten sign surely made their hearts melt.

Do Not Give Them Your Passport
If your children are getting restless, the last thing you should do is let them play with your passport. They might decorate it with their personal artwork, believing that they’re making your passport more beautiful. Little do they know that their self-expression will prevent your family from going on your highly-anticipated trip, as a marked-up passport is instantly invalidated! So take this example as a lesson to keep your passport far away from the hands of your children.

Lost And Found
This eye-catching sculpture is like a real-life game of Tetris. It seems like all the lost suitcases from around the world have ended up at this airport. It’s a good reminder to make sure you’ve picked up all your belongings from the conveyor belt, because you don’t want them to end up in a lost-and-found tower!

Stay Clear
That is exactly what this sign suggests at an airport in New Zealand, where the runway is very close to the parking lot. When people arrive at this small airport, they’re advised to park their car quickly and then get inside to avoid the danger of jets that are taking off or landing. Maybe it’s better to get a taxi to drop you off right at the terminal doors, rather than taking the risk!

Runway Patrol
This border collie has a very important job – and that is to chase away all stray animals that come too close to the airport runway. Instead of setting traps to keep the animals away, Piper the collie will do it for a bone or two. He runs around the perimeter of this Michigan airport, and seems to love his work. Piper is a highly valuable employee of the airport, keeping the runways safe for take-off and landing.

The Big Trek
This is what it will look like when travel restrictions are eased and everyone decides to fly around the world again. This is just a joke, of course – it was photoshopped by a skilled photographer and made up of 400 different photos. It’s quite an impressive view of all the flights leaving this airport. If you think this looks scary, just imagine what it would sound like!

The Penguins Have Arrived
They came through the gate like a delegation from the Penguin World, and received a warm welcome. This endangered species of penguin was rescued from poachers by a team of conservationists, and taken back to their natural habitat. A commercial flight was the safest way to transport them back to their island, just off the coast of South Africa. Can you imagine sitting next to a penguin on a flight?

Only Just Got Away
Someone left the cargo door open, and this kidnapped polar bear narrowly escaped with his life! Luckily, that was not the real scenario here – but polar bears are a common sight on airport runways in Alaska. Maybe this bear remembered that someone treated it with a snack the last time it was here. And everybody is fond of good memories – even polar bears.

It Could Have Been Worse
Imagine Jasmine’s surprise when she found this photo of strangers on her Facebook page. How very kind of these airport workers from Newcastle airport to tell her where she lost her phone, along with a friendly warning not to leave her Facebook account logged in when she is not using it. Normally, a lost phone is a goner – but these airport workers show us the better side of humankind.

Put Your Hands Together For Them
These guys are probably used to receiving enthusiastic applause for their public stunts. They decided to give bored passengers at this airport something to remember. It’s so delightful to see young people putting on a circus show rather than sitting with their faces buried in their smartphones, and we’re sure their fellow travelers were grateful for the diversion.

Merry Christmas!
These lucky passengers were surprised by Spanish airline SpanAir when their plane landed on Christmas Eve. Everyone received a thank-you gift for using SpanAir as their way to get home for Christmas. We’re dying to know what’s inside those boxes – maybe a nice travel pillow and a gift certificate for a future flight?

Follow Me On Instagram
This pilot is well-known for her yoga poses around the plane and has quite a following on Instagram. You don’t find many pilots who are also yoga instructors. But Maria Peterson, who hails from Sweden, is not an ordinary person. She delights her followers by bringing together her two loves – flying and yoga.

Duck! But After You Take a Selfie
That’s right, this was not photoshopped! If you see this selfie on social media, know that it’s the real deal – but only on this island in the Caribbean. With the runway just off the beach, people get so used to airplanes flying low that they don’t even duck anymore. That is why you see these people on the beach busy taking selfies without an ounce of fear.

All Behind Grandma For a Photo
This looks like everyone is gathering behind Grandma to pose for a family photo for the holiday album. Unfortunately, this was a real situation where everyone was stuck behind this old lady on a moving walkway at the airport. She clearly decided to stay put and let no one pass. Luckily no one seemed bothered by it, and they were all smiles in the photo.

Don’t Worry, I’ll Keep You Warm
If you cannot find a proper place to rest your head, you will have to make do with what is available. Even if it is someone’s lap to curl onto like a cat, it’ll have to do. But sometimes the person whose lap you’re lounging on also needs a rest. Hopefully, this guy did not drool too much while keeping his friend warm.

Sorry, We Have to Check You
Yes – even nuns are subject to a full-body pat down at the airport. Hopefully this was as comical to the nun as it was to the bystanders. At international airports, everyone is treated as a suspect – even the least likely candidates. Security personnel are just trying to do their job and keep everyone on the plane safe.

Prepare To Wait For a While
This is the sign you see when you queue in the line to use the public toilets at a Chinese airport. The sign is very accurate, considering the long lines you encounter when you want to use the bathroom. That’s not very encouraging when you get off the plane after a long flight and are dying to relieve yourself! As the sign suggests, make sure you cross your legs while waiting to avoid any accidents.

An Escape Artist?
Seriously – if you want to get on an airplane, just buy yourself a ticket. You will not be able to fly as checked luggage. In these days of heavy security at airports, there’s no chance you’ll get away with it. But we don’t blame this guy for trying. Maybe he ran out of cash but still wanted to join his girlfriend for a beach vacation. We hope his punishment wasn’t too severe.

Did Not Mean To Fall Asleep
Maybe this guy lying in the middle of the floor was just going to rest a bit while he waited for his turn at the counter, but he couldn’t help falling asleep. And the people around him did not have the heart to wake him up from his slumber. Sometimes people are completely exhausted after a long flight, especially when there’s a layover. This guy must have a knack for falling asleep just about anywhere, since all the airport noise wasn’t even enough to wake him.

Make Your Own Luggage Cart
Maybe this person was in such a hurry to catch his flight that he didn’t have time to think about how to get his luggage there. Those poor little suitcase wheels probably gave in halfway to the airport, so he had to hail a taxi anyway. At least he had a fun story to tell everyone once he finally got to his destination. We will never know, and we can only hope for the best.

Crossing Traffic
This picture looks like a scene from the simulator game Transport Tycoon. This is an international airport in Gibraltar, and cars have to wait for the green light before they can proceed across the runway. But what happens if there is a city-wide power outage and nobody can regulate the traffic? This is certainly not ideal and seems very unsafe; we surely hope they improve the situation soon.

Piggyback On the Luggage
Who can blame this little girl for finding a place to rest those tired feet? If nothing else is available, certainly Dad’s luggage will do. Her slumping posture reflects the general mood of passengers at airports where you have to wait a long time for everything, even the bathroom. If the body wants to rest, that is exactly what it should do – even while on the go.

This Is Mine
If this is the only way to keep from losing your luggage again and again, then let it be so. This guy probably lost his luggage one too many times, and decided to print a photo of himself on his suitcase to identify it. We’re wondering… how many times do you have to lose your luggage to come to this extreme solution? Probably many times, and hopefully it was not always his fault.

Time Out For Mom
This was most likely during the school holiday times, and Mom just could not cope with the little rascals alone any longer. Luckily for these boys, moms are not really quitters – and she brought them to the airport to welcome their dad home. It’s great if people can still have a sense of humor about the serious things in life – that’s how we cope.

From Far, Far Away
These guys were on their way to Comic-Con and needed their shoes shined. We hope that they paid in the local currency, and not that of another galaxy. It is not often that people make use of shoe-shining services in this age when people are always in a hurry and tend to dress more casually. So these guys from a faraway galaxy were quite a welcome sight to the people who provide these services. We hope they have a custom of tipping well.

Missing Mom and Dad
This guy was in such a hurry that he forgot to change out of his pajamas before rushing off to the airport to pick up his parents. He was just thrilled to have Mom and Dad back to restock the empty pantry and fridge! We’re sure he was also delighted to see them because he missed their company at home.

Only Short Kisses Goodbye
This was the solution of the airport personnel in Denmark to prevent people from blocking the curbside drop-off. People like to take time to say goodbye to their loved ones before a trip – let’s face it, that’s quite a human thing. But at this airport, you have only three minutes to say your goodbyes and clear the way. This may sound a bit harsh, but if there is no other way to keep the driveway clear – we must cut those kisses short.

On a Short Leash
This mother had to find a way to keep her boisterous children close to her side while making her way through the airport. But it seems their crazy antics got her all tied up in knots! Even with leashes attached, they were still quite a handful at the airport. Maybe next time she should try an even shorter leash?

Points For Originality
What is the best way to win a woman’s heart? This guy certainly knew how to do it. Dressing up as a limo driver to pick up his girlfriend from the airport certainly scored him a lot of points. And the sign was what put him over the top – there’s no better way to score points than finding the right words to make her day. Way to go, man – this was quite romantic.

Staying Warm And Safe
This was quite an innovative solution for passengers who were stranded in an airport in Asia due to bad weather conditions. Unfortunately, their flight was postponed for days, and they had to find shelter while waiting. Even if they looked like homeless people, that didn’t stop them from using the empty boxes to create a little sleeping area. And no one blames them for simply trying to stay warm and feel safe.

On Game Break!
This security guard was caught playing a solitaire game on the computer instead of checking passports. This is one job where you need to stay fully focused and don’t have time to mess around. Hopefully, this security guard was set straight by his managers and will refrain from playing games in the future while he’s supposed to be working to keep passengers safe.

Better To Be Safe
Plugging your phone into a USB charger in a public place is not that safe anymore, and this passenger just bypassed it. Did this person simply want to avoid paying to charge his phone, or was he trying to keep his data safe from USB hackers? Better bring your own charger than to waste money and expose yourself to a data breach on your phone.

Where Is Luke?
It’s not safe to be seen in public with Darth Vader, but Stormtroopers are part of his entourage. Better not let the Rebel Alliance know he is around, they will definitely strike back. Luckily, this was just a group of Star Wars fans dressed up at the Denver airport right before the release of Star Wars, the Last Jedi.

Resentment Or Joke?
This guy came to pick up his brother-in-law from the airport. Could his words be a reflection of his true anger, or was he just making a joke to lighten the mood for the expecting parents? Let’s hope it was the latter, and that the smug look on his face did not mean he wanted to get revenge. It’s always great when family members can joke around with each other.

An Embarrassing Moment
This family went out of their way to embarrass Mom, and they succeeded! When she saw the sign, she simply turned around and pretended not to know them at all. Sometimes family members can be so inconsiderate. At least they got to see the surprise on their mother’s face. Hopefully, this was taken in good spirits, and Dad did not end up having to spend the night in the dog house!

Please Give Them a Laptop
These photos were taken at the same airport just a few weeks apart. Was this a setup, or are they trying to get a donation for a laptop? But on a serious note, how on earth are they lugging those heavy typewriters along with them while traveling? Maybe these people just do not like the new technology and try to live off the grid. At least they will not be bothered by a power outage – maybe they carry candles around with them as well.

Something To Hide
When someone is walking around indoors wearing shades, they are often hiding something. Most of the time, they’re trying to hide their identity – and that is precisely the case in this photo. Candice Swanepoel, an actress from South Africa, was trying to remain unrecognized in her sunglasses. Hopefully she made it through the airport without being bothered by any fans.

Hitch a Ride
This little girl’s legs were too short to keep up with her dad as he rushed through the airport, so she decided to hitch a ride on his suitcase instead. Did he notice that his bag suddenly got heavier? We’re sure that other tired passengers looked on with envy, wishing they could also ride on someone’s suitcase instead of walking.

Let Me Just Lay Down a Minute
This is what happens when you’re on a layover and your flight gets delayed for hours. Isn’t this what we all want to do when we’re stuck at the airport? Sometimes all we need is to lay down for a few minutes to recharge. Hopefully no one stepped on this woman while she took her power nap.